Sunday, March 16, 2008

Whooping Cough

I got whooping cough. Impossible? No. I did. If you never had it, would you believe me when I say that it's like a man coming into my house and giving me a beatdown for three hours at midnight every day?

I'm one of the lucky ones. One guy I know totaled his truck during a coughing session. Other people break their ribs.

I just hurled a couple times.

I only coughed for five days before the antibiotics seemed to start to work. I'm over 14 days into this and i still have "something not quite right". Amazing how fragile we are, when it all comes down to it. The days of people dying of colds are about 100 years behind us...and about 5 years in front of us...

1 comment:

  1. dude, it's cause you're right there in a tough place. Awesome. Consider yourself worthy.
