Friday, March 14, 2008

Why to read the Bible?

the goal of Bible Reading is the realization of Col. 3:16.

that the word of Christ would dwell in us richly to the equipping of our minds to teach and admonish one another with all Spiritual Wisdom...

there are a LOT of people who read a whole lot of Bible, yet lack spiritual wisdom.

these are the scriptures that are able to make us wise unto salvation... We see that salvation is something that is

work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who is at work in you both to will and to act (want and to do) according to His purpose...
worked out in the daily, and that

Hebrews 10-12
we can let go of that hope without holding on to it with intensity in our daily life...

So, in the Church it is God's purpose that the teaching of the word by the traveling teachers, resident Elders and Overseers, and Apostolic workers be accompanied by the ministry of the saints to one another in admonishing and teaching, by the wisdom of the holy Spirit in each other by the Word of Christ's rich indwelling...

You see, Bible Reading is no goal, in itself. It has a goal. It isn't a goal.

It is best to read the bible out of a sense of Spiritual appetite. Bookishness and box-checking devotional life are to be eschewed. Often the Scriptures fall flat to us because our inner man isn't joined in the willingness to OBEY them...

We must put behind us the days of dallying with sin, and living an unchallenged, unyeilded life. WE must deeply suffer the surrender of the Soul to the will of God so that our minds may be transformed, aand the Word will be formed in us by the Holy Spirit....

Rom 12: offer yourself. then transformation. then understanding...
Honestly, many Christians are completely missing the point of the existence of a Scriptural Witness in the church. We have the scriptures to bear witness to the Word, who is Jesus, abiding in the surrendered soul. Without thorough and ruthless surrender, the Bible becomes an idol, confusing the reader into a sense of achievement...

the letter brings death

the spirit brings life...

the scriptures are bringing death to many who put their confidence in their own reading/knowledge/discipline...
John 5:39-40

many who approach the Scriptures as source are wrong and are dead where they stand, their confidence wrongly placed in their knowledge and disciplinary, academic acheivements... they are lost.

to some, there is a degree to which they misplace their confidence that results in loss in the Life of Christ. They will suffer loss in the judgment.

Let's make it our goal to Connect deeply with Christ, in surrender to His will and confidence in His ability to lead us. Let us enter deeply into the reality of Potter/Clay, Shepherd/Sheep relationship with Jesus, and embody the reality of John 3, that as the wind so shall we be, who live not by letter, nor by best intentions, nor the thoughts of our own minds or best ideas, but are blown by the Spirit...

Let's move into a Mature use of the Scripture as the describer of the life of the Church, in the Spirit, and enter into the Spiritual life of Christ, that we may be fruit-bearing disciples...
These very scriptures will indicate to us that the fruit is good, affirming us as we are led by Him in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

Then it will be true among us that "It's all about Jesus".


  1. I read it.
    "Search the scriptures to see if all was true"...

  2. ah! Lew! I completely agree with you. Very recently, God convicted me, and led me to examine my Bible reading/devotional reading and see where my motives really lie.

    I feel like the American Church is really into the "right amount", just getting by with enough on all fronts, a formula for Jesus, if you will- similar to the Vintage21 Jesus videos ("James, you drank too much last night. Not TOO much, just enough to make me angry.")

    But it's all about Love! God is Love! He has given us a new command, to love on another! How much has He lavished His love on us, that we can be called children of God! Reading the Bible is not about knowing lots of Bible verses, or even about knowing "the right way" to live- it's about knowing JESUS, because JESUS is the way! JESUS is the truth! JESUS is the life! It's all about love for Jesus, and when we believe God, we connect with Jesus! It's kind of like activating the Scriptures within us, inviting Jesus to bring the Kingdom in a new way.

    Thank you for your blogs and insights, brother Lew. Really. I hope to see all of you soon. :)
