Wednesday, March 24, 2004

A response to John wallis' Mar.24 entry

i share your frustration. about the political thingy, what'dy'a callit? nucular presidency?

and about the gay marriage thing! oh man are we ever like the dudes in John chapter 8 who dragged that skanky lady to jesus to get her lynched for slutskys... and jesus coined the phrase, "let him who is without sin cast the first stone".

i think religious people who wanna get all angry about this stuff and get up in the grill of folks ought to spend that much energy and more on helping their families and others' families find the mercy that brings justice and motivates righteousness out of love...

as for the political angle, it's hard evidence that the church has lost power to inform culture that this kind of legislation has even been proposed! surely the political battle will divert our attention from our real need to repent as the american church and live by the standards we claim to...

i wish christians would just all fall to their faces in anguish over how we've disgraced jesus and how we've neglected the poor and justice and how we really don't have the Holy Spirit in our lives!

man, i'd like to see us drop by the roomfull in abject recognition of the reality that we are a total failure!

and remember that the goal we're failing in is to please Jesus, not to show the world something. he's what it's all about...

the political angle, and the church growth things and all this postmodern emerging crap is all evidence that we're lost! let's fall...


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