Wednesday, June 30, 2004

It's about 11:10 AM right now. Yesterday, my friends John and Sydney Wallis had a BABY! Check out their history on John's blog (in my margin).

I've been seeing Jesus lately and he has a mohawk. He was in Hot Topic yesterday. His mohawk was 18 inches tall. The day before, he was wearing baggy skater jeans, banging up his shins. Today he's ten years old, needing a happy pouncing from his dad.

Jesus can be hard to spot if you're not ready to look everywhere.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Difficult days. The reality of the loss of Judy's mom is setting in on us. We are so glad she's in heaven, but we're really feeling her loss. Late night last night...

I am pulling back. Trying to batten down the family hatches, only keeping up the basic ministry stuff:

Sunday night's meeting: having the Church in.

Thursday night's Bible Study: Cornell Place Starbucks @ the corner of Cornell and Reed Hartman in Blue Ash.

Being present in our local Skatepark, getting ready to start a pastoral Bible Study to the skaters here.

I'm pulling back from trying to build new relationships with local ministries, as well as extra service stuff that is so needed.

I'll put my time into loving my kids, placing exchange students, and supporting Judy through the placement season and this time of grief. It's important for me to be here at the house, fixing things and taking care of daily work. I'm letting go of messing with the future...

This Saturday, the Church agreed to meet at our house for a "Watch Night", or all-night prayer meeting... We hope to have a lot of these.

We really miss prari and JP who are in foreign lands.

Last week, JP's grandma died, so he's coming back from Mexico to attend the funeral. Let's all pray for him.

I look forward to entering more about what's going on here.


Thursday, June 17, 2004

Here's Prari with school children in Mbita, Kenya. Now, some of you may be asking, "what does Kenya have to do with you guys here? You're not even real yet." well, Prari had a call to Kenya from God years before she got discipled. So when we met her, she knew that she was supposed to be a missionary. We got to see that start, after a couple of years of discipleship...  Posted by Hello
Here are a bunch of the students we brought in with our work with CIEE. You guys all ought to try this. It's wonderful to share your life with a student from another country.  Posted by Hello
This is the First floor Great Room.  Posted by Hello
This is the front of the House.  Posted by Hello
The parking lot. That car is our real estate agent's. looks like a zippy one...  Posted by Hello
The rear of our house Posted by Hello
in the Ross clan, we really like turtles, too. here i am (Lew) doing my impression of an Aldabra tortoise.  Posted by Hello
Doesn't get more extreme than these Ross boys.  Posted by Hello
Here are Aaron (10), and Seth (2) in the parking lot at our home in Cincinnati. We do a bit of skateboarding here, and in our neighborhood, it's normal to go naked.  Posted by Hello
here's Lew.  Posted by Hello
yeah, you could say that equipping ministry among the extreme culture is a core value here in the grubbykupp crew. Here's one of our interns, getting ready to shred.  Posted by Hello
Today our great friend Nelly Tsoy left for her home country of Tajikistan. She has been a strength to our family and a comfort to our hearts. Nelly, what will we do without you? We love you very much.

Judy and I are hoping to get to Central Asia in a couple years to visit some of our friends who live there. We'll see.

I have a new friend, T., who was drunk and had a car accident. The other driver was killed. Now he's recovering and waiting to see what happens next. This situation has opened his eyes to his need to become a real Christian. It's an open window for the Love of God to get through...

T. and I have had some good conversations over the last week. One thing we talked about was how the second verse of Amazing Grace says, "'Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved..."

It's like, for many Christian people nowadays, Grace has no meaning because there's no FEAR... It's like, they never got terrified of the implications of a life without Jesus, under the wrath of God, headed for judgment and eternal condemnation...

Before I heard the message and believed, I was a very angry guy. I was a Straight-Edge Skinhead wannabe in New York, during the time that Strait-Edge was new... But at the core of my philosophy was the knowledge that I was deeply selfish and evil... That there was no hope for me to ever be clean or pure or righteous, because my inner being was so stained and smeared with selfish desires...

I understood that life was futile. I knew that I was guilty. I tried not to consider myself responsible for the weight of wrongdoing and evil speech that was gathering on my head, but I knew that I was a servant of darkness.

I started to get fascinated with death and the occult. I despaired of ever having a family, or even a normal relationship with another person. I hated my parents and those who were weaker than me. I resented authority with deep, simmering passion.

But I broke.

And I saw. And my heart feared. Because Grace taught me that i can hope for rescue. And I heard the message about Born Again life, and having the Counselor live inside me. And I cried out to have it. I cried out to Jesus.

And he laid it on me.

Now it's like 15 years later and I'm amazed by grace every day, whether my heart tells me I did a good job, or a bad one. I'm a slave to Jesus, and here I stay.

I feel sorry for people who go to church and all the rigamarole without the true meaning of Grace at work in their hearts. There are many.

In Matthew 7, there are some shocking words from Jesus:

"Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to me as 'Lord,' but they still won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The decisive issue is whether they obey my Father in Heaven. On judgment day many will tell me, 'Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.' But I will reply, 'I never knew you. Go away, the things you did were unauthorised."

I hope you walk in Grace today, my friends. Real grace, with teeth and claws, that cuts, and heals, your heart.


Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Here's Prari in Kenya. Mbita has a 34% Aids rate. I learned today that 50% of all the people who have ever died in human history died of Malaria. Please pass the DDT (shown conclusively to prevent liver cancer in small doses).  Posted by Hello

HouseMeeting Folks: Judy (Wife and mother at GK), Nelly (Khazakhstan), JP (In Mexico), Sarah (Starbucks), Lauren (Starbucks), Sunell (Bahrain), and Lew (grubbybrother) Posted by Hello
okay, you probably figgered out that i have discovered a way to post photos! I'm really happy about it and will keep taking them and feeding them into this thing. I'll set out to snap a few of our neighborhood and home and family and friends, for those of you who are interested in what these grubbykupp people are about...

There are so many really awesome things going on in Cincinnati in Jesus people all over the place! from the Wallis family and their friends (check out his blog in my margin), to Gordon and pastor alvin over at CITY CURE...

We've only been here for about a month, during which mom passed on. But in that short time, we've met a lot of really loving Christians who are genuinely seeking to please God by feeding the poor and caring for the widows and orphans. Right next to our house is a small Nazarene church and they are really kind. They came over and anointed mom with oil before she passed. That was a comfort and a kindness to us all. Solidarity in the faith, and belief in God's power...

The pastor and youth minister of a Christian Church in Loveland came to mom's funeral to offer us comfort, too. Thanks, guys. Remember us when you pray for missions!

And I met a brother, Carl, who's ministering out of a Baptist Chapel two doors down from us. He's a die-hard, unapologetic Southern Baptist with a heart as big as a house. He's working full time and ministering to the poor and lonely in our neighborhood. Thank you Lord for your servants.

as for us? We're prayerfully scouting and looking into how we can serve the Lord here. We really want to be a mission that brings unity and fills gaps here.

We have a youth group coming this summer for a cityscape tour and a look at subversive lifestyles...

I have been invited to help equip evangelism in a church in Columbus... I really wish JP were here, but he left for Mexico last week. He won't be back until after Kenya, in September.

When Prari and JP get back, it's going to be a blast!


Here's Prari in Kenya! She'll come to Cincinnati in September. JP is joining here there for her last 1.5 months...  Posted by Hello

A shot from one of our meetings in the old house in Landen, before we moved to Northside...  Posted by Hello

Here's a pic of our Mission House from the parking lot. It's in the 'hood in Cinci.  Posted by Hello

This is JP and Prari doin' some baptisin' on Lauren.  Posted by Hello

Here I am. Lew. The little guy in front is Seth, my second son (2). We're on a train from CZ to D.  Posted by Hello

Monday, June 14, 2004

Just looking at John Wallis' blog. i really want to support his efforts around here. he's the real deal in subversive living for Christ. lotsa honesty and stuff there.

Here's a thing he's doing that I look forward to being a part of. Check it out! Participate!

Register Online

Sunday, June 13, 2004

i just finished tonight's blog entry, but i had to respond to something i heard taught in a church today.

Well, it's about SUBMISSION. In the Bible, there's this really strong message about submitting to God and fearing God. When this church's teacher got to a part about that, he told us that submission meant "being willing to follow God's leadership in our lives" and "following His guidelines".

Well, that sounded fine and left no one very offended. It seems reasonable for God to ask us, for our own good and ultimate enjoyment, to adhere to some guidelines.

The problem? There are no guidelines. Just commands to obey commands and reminders to live by the commands... And the promise of reward and punishment at the Throne... In fact, the Great Commission in Matthew 28 tells us to "...[teach] them to obey all that [Jesus]commanded [us]."

So what's the problem with just saying it? Why not just say, "God commands that we obey His commands? If we don't, we're walking under the shadow of Judgment and we definitely don't love Him"?

In fact, this church just finished a series on a touchy topic that peaked the interest of a lot of people in town. I was amazed that the issue of judgment, righteousness and self-control were all couched in self-interest terminology.

There was this appeal that "all of this is for your ultimate enjoyment". But That's just not how the Bible plays it. The Bible uncompromisingly sets God as Father and Boss of the Universe and tells us to line up or get whacked, then allows us to do so under a covenant of love and mercy. There's Punishment involved. And repentance is a flight from judgment... and Christians, once saved, are told to live in Holy Fear!!!

So why all this muck? How amazing is grace, if it has not taught our hearts to fear?


i just finished tonight's blog entry, but i had to respond to something i heard taught in a church today.

Well, it's about SUBMISSION. In the Bible, there's this really strong message about submitting to God and fearing God. When this church's teacher got to a part about that, he told us that submission meant "being willing to follow God's leadership in our lives" and "following His guidelines".

Well, that sounded fine and left no one very offended. It seems reasonable for God to ask us, for our own good and ultimate enjoyment, to adhere to some guidelines.

The problem? There are no guidelines. Just commands to obey commands and reminders to live by the commands... And the promise of reward and punishment at the Throne... In fact, the Great Commission in Matthew 28 tells us to "...[teach] them to obey all that [Jesus]commanded [us]."

So what's the problem with just saying it? Why not just say, "God commands that we obey His commands? If we don't, we're walking under the shadow of Judgment and we definitely don't love Him"?

In fact, this church just finished a series on a touchy topic that peaked the interest of a lot of people in town. I was amazed that the issue of judgment, righteousness and self-control were all couched in self-interest terminology.

There was this appeal that "all of this is for your ultimate enjoyment". But That's just not how the Bible plays it. The Bible uncompromisingly sets God as Father and Boss of the Universe and tells us to line up or get whacked, then allows us to do so under a covenant of love and mercy. There's Punishment involved. And repentance is a flight from judgment... and Christians, once saved, are told to live in Holy Fear!!!

So why all this muck? How amazing is grace, if it has not taught our hearts to fear?

Sunday night. We had the Church in, tonight. Our meeting night is Sunday, now. We're studying the book: Acts.

I am really enjoying the interactive sessions in the scriptures. I really love the questions that our folks are asking and the give and take in our times together. It is an honor to have John Weiss, my father-in-law, with us here. He planted at least 14 churches in the Philippines, where no other missionaries were working. Judy, my wife, grew up during that time and has had her dials set on radical mission-living.

He was 50 when he started, and the churches are really fruitful. Now he's about 75. His wife, Judy's mom, passed away eight days ago, right here in our new home. We are all doing well, though. Our hope is in the resurrection and the Life, Jesus.

Tonight's discussion of the first chapter of Acts really rocked. We spent a lot of time on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It's a radical topic, since so many Christian communities just kind of go on without it.

We Started the meeting with a meal under a beautiful stormy sky. The storms stayed South of us for the whole meal time, so we ate under the fast-moving clouds.

Then we started up some fun singing on the lawn, but the rain started up. Once we got situated in one of the smaller first-floor rooms, we sang again and got to prayer for the kids. We prayed for Phillip, Zach and Hannah's dad, my brother-in-law, who is switching into a job in DC. A hard time for Judy's sister's family- losing mom and moving from Texas...

We prayed for me to finally get our basketball hoop up...

...and for Judy's sister's trip back to texas to pack up and wrap up their lease stuff...

Then we hit the word:

The first Scripture was just after the singing: 2Cor.5:1-10

We looked especially at how the Judgment is a serious consideration for all Christians, even those who are obedient...

Then John Weiss Shared a bit about Satan and how, as Christians we don't have to be under his influence. He talked about us living to please the Lord and growing into His likeness... And how the antidote to the Devil's activity in our life is found in John 14:30-31, and James 4:&8. It's encouraging to know that we don't have to worry about the Devil, even though he's real and on the prowl (1 Peter 5:8-9). We can resist him if we are willing to SUBMIT to God.

Then we hit Acts, hard. Chapter 1. We discussed Matthias' apostleship, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Great Commission and the Last Words of Jesus. It was so fine!


Jn. 20:22

Matthew 25: the ten virgins

Jn. 14:17- Spirit with/Spirit in...

Silas as another apostle

Where is it in Proverbs where it says, "the lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord"?

Acts 1:7-8

Power (dynamic/supernatural/divine)

to be a witness (clear/truthful/verbal)

in Jerusalem (home/family)

Judea (our friends and sphere of influence)

Samaria (neighbors and people in our region/city/state)

and the uttermost parts of the World (mission-life)

We discussed whether Peter was right to lead the first group of Christians to cast lots for the 12the apostle's place.

-product of a prayer meeting

-never corrected in following accounts

-decision of Matt.16 leader of the church

-based on illuminated scriptures

...and some other stuff weighed in heavily for us to trust that it was more than OK...

Well, this is a recap. We hope you all walk worthy in obedience.

Till Soon:


Saturday, June 12, 2004

Hey. It's 10:30 on Saturday night. We're working all day long to get installed in our Mission House. There's an ocean of stuff to do. We're SURROUNDED by intense opportunity to share the Message, too. Northside, Cincinnati, is totally full of Gang stuff. There are many struggling but vital ministries to the poor here, too. Many shut-ins and elderly need care.

The other day we met a lady at Kroger who took just forever to get her grocery shopping done. For her, it was a four-hour ordeal. How much it would mean to her to have a helper go with her.

As many of you must know by now, Judy's mom passed on last Saturday at 1pm. We had over a week of hospice care with her. It was an honor to be with her until the end. Judy's family has been here, four to eight of them, on and off, for weeks, now. The funeral was last Tuesday and was pretty awesome. We're all living in hope of the resurrection. There's no despair in our mourning. 1 Thessalonians 4 has a major word on this. We believe it.

So the GrubbyKupp crew is moving on, daily.

We really need help from the Body of Christ to see the mission develop here. We need an accountant or a lawyer to work with us on our nonprofit status. We need donations of time and tools to work on the Mission House. We need materials to settle the homestead, like cabinets and shelfing. We need Missionary Support for this work...

People pay homage to the idea of prayer, and I tell you all that i'm not an extremely pious man, but we need you guys to hit your knees and pray for us all, here. There are some precious souls who have recently discovered Christ and the Joy of following in obedience. We are on the cusp of major discoveries, and salvation for many, here. The churches around us are so divided. Some of them have invited me to speak or sing and play guitar. These are all ministries that care about the sick and the poor, but in the few days I've had to talk with them, they have already expressed their division from their brothers and sisters in the other churches and ministries.

Pray that we would be used to bring unity in the Body of Christ. That we could fill the gaps by washing feet. I know that there will be times of confrontation: unavoidable. But pray that we could be bringers of peace.

And please pray for Mr. Weiss, Judy's dad. He is now entering a time of singleness, after 55 years of marriage to one of the kindest women in the world. Pray that he prosper in the ministry that lies ahead for him. His years of mission work in the Phillippines are an incredible story about who God uses for His purposes. He wants to use YOU!!!

Is there anyone out there who could help me with this blog? Could you come to the house and help me put pictures and a paypal donation button on it? We live like missionaries to Cincinnati. That includes financial dependence on the Body of Christ.

Thanks for reading, praying, coming, giving. We'd love visits from you. Would you like a tour of our area? We have a youth group from Indianapolis coming in July.