Tuesday, June 15, 2004

okay, you probably figgered out that i have discovered a way to post photos! I'm really happy about it and will keep taking them and feeding them into this thing. I'll set out to snap a few of our neighborhood and home and family and friends, for those of you who are interested in what these grubbykupp people are about...

There are so many really awesome things going on in Cincinnati in Jesus people all over the place! from the Wallis family and their friends (check out his blog in my margin), to Gordon and pastor alvin over at CITY CURE...

We've only been here for about a month, during which mom passed on. But in that short time, we've met a lot of really loving Christians who are genuinely seeking to please God by feeding the poor and caring for the widows and orphans. Right next to our house is a small Nazarene church and they are really kind. They came over and anointed mom with oil before she passed. That was a comfort and a kindness to us all. Solidarity in the faith, and belief in God's power...

The pastor and youth minister of a Christian Church in Loveland came to mom's funeral to offer us comfort, too. Thanks, guys. Remember us when you pray for missions!

And I met a brother, Carl, who's ministering out of a Baptist Chapel two doors down from us. He's a die-hard, unapologetic Southern Baptist with a heart as big as a house. He's working full time and ministering to the poor and lonely in our neighborhood. Thank you Lord for your servants.

as for us? We're prayerfully scouting and looking into how we can serve the Lord here. We really want to be a mission that brings unity and fills gaps here.

We have a youth group coming this summer for a cityscape tour and a look at subversive lifestyles...

I have been invited to help equip evangelism in a church in Columbus... I really wish JP were here, but he left for Mexico last week. He won't be back until after Kenya, in September.

When Prari and JP get back, it's going to be a blast!


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