Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Difficult days. The reality of the loss of Judy's mom is setting in on us. We are so glad she's in heaven, but we're really feeling her loss. Late night last night...

I am pulling back. Trying to batten down the family hatches, only keeping up the basic ministry stuff:

Sunday night's meeting: having the Church in.

Thursday night's Bible Study: Cornell Place Starbucks @ the corner of Cornell and Reed Hartman in Blue Ash.

Being present in our local Skatepark, getting ready to start a pastoral Bible Study to the skaters here.

I'm pulling back from trying to build new relationships with local ministries, as well as extra service stuff that is so needed.

I'll put my time into loving my kids, placing exchange students, and supporting Judy through the placement season and this time of grief. It's important for me to be here at the house, fixing things and taking care of daily work. I'm letting go of messing with the future...

This Saturday, the Church agreed to meet at our house for a "Watch Night", or all-night prayer meeting... We hope to have a lot of these.

We really miss prari and JP who are in foreign lands.

Last week, JP's grandma died, so he's coming back from Mexico to attend the funeral. Let's all pray for him.

I look forward to entering more about what's going on here.


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