Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sunday Night, May 23

We had basketball before meeting, tonight. The neighbor kids came up the drive, en masse, at about 7:15. It was great.

After Hoops, some of the kids came into the meeting. They all go to the church on the corner on Sunday afternoons for a snack and some Word. So, they asked if they could eat. I told them that they hooped all during dinner, and that now it was meeting-time. So, a few came in.

We praised the Lord loudly, that night. It was great. Lots of joy. We started late (8:30). I was told after the meeting that some of the neighbor kids looked bewildered, almost angry, as we were praising.

When we prayed for someone, all gathered around, and that person started crying, one of the boys whom we know very well started to laugh. Why he did this, we don't know, but he was very quickly sent out by one of our young men. I don't know what that was, but I look forward to connecting with him this week to... just to love him. We seriously warn our young neighbors to honor the Lord when they come over, since we are His people and our posessions are not our own... So I know that the young man understood why he was being asked to leave...

Still, something to pray about.

There was time spent praying for each other, anointing some with oil, and sharing out of Colossians 3...

Then we dispersed, after more singing and prayer, with a few more scriptures...

Some stayed till 1am, taking communion and praying and counseling over the Bible. There have been spiritual battles won, this week. Some are in rest. Others, still in the fray.

Pray for each other. Speak well.


  1. The Kingdom steps a bit closer...
    Forces of darkness angry as can be, so it's pretty funny (to them) when one of God's "workwoman" is hurting...
    But they can't stop the advance of His people, loving on each other. Grubby Kupp goes on my prayer list; I see "tuff stuff" on the horizion as the fallen see their prizes being ripped away by the Holy Ghost through the actions of you all.

  2. we shouldnt accuse someone from afar of having an evil spirit. and lets pray he never reads this blog. The kid that was laughing had left and came back in the room while we were praying for Prairi...when he came back he was laughing at something outside and was asking john to go and see what it was. lets be slow to suggest someone has an evil spirit.

  3. zach, you share a very important point. I have been guilty in the past of doing that very thing. When you come from my background, the temptation to do that is huge...

    i'm glad to hear more about what was really happening. i have worried all week about how he's doing. i have been greeting him and i think he knows he's loved. i look for any opportunity to show that to him, face to face...

    this misunderstanding is part of our journey. that doesn't make us right, or safe, for that matter. May God mercifully treat us for judging by what we see...

    ...as for suggesting that he has an evil spirit, from afar or near... that's certainly not a part of this blog entry. but you still hit a nail on the head. seriously. That is, has been, and will NOT be (mercy) a part of our life, together...
    As I said when I began, I've done that very thing when faced with opposition. It was wrong, and even if it were ever true, it's still not love to say such things... they are for praying, not saying...

    thanks, Z.

  4. oh, i get it... i see where that came through... well, that's the thing about blogging: it's so "in the moment". We speak, and our words remain, in slow-motion, repeating to us all and so many others for so long...

    May the Lord's blessing of peace be on us all as we grow into His likeness... There's patience here for all views to express, even temporary views...

  5. Good to know that the forces of darkness cannot influence what you don't want them to influence, Zach. Wether or not a demon was at work here, I don't know. What I do know is that laughing while someone is invovled in such prayer and love is totally out of line. I don't care if Adam Sandler was outside, it's still wrong. And I know that fallen angels would take great pleasure in such pain (If she was indeed crying out of hurt, not joy). This inference there... well, you can pick it out.
    How about I clarify my thoughts for you.
    1) Fallen angels exist
    2) They hate God and his children
    3) They can exert some influence on the temporal
    I didn't say that the kid was evil, although you may have tried to read that in, I was speaking of fallen angels. And I didn't say that the kid has an evil spirit. What I said was supposed to illustrate that the demons would find this amusing, and it's possible that this was expressed by this kid.
    If he reads this blog, let him email me, if I am out of line, I will quickly apoloigize. But from what I read, and what I know, my suspicion stands.
