Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Brothers and Sisters!
Here is the Scripture list from our time together last sunday.

1 Sam. 7:10-13

1 Cor. 14:26

Rom. 1:1-following
Matt. 7:15-20
Gal. 3:1
Is. 59:20-21
Jer. 31:31-34
Hos. 14:1-4
Ez. 36:22-27
Is. 66:2b-5
John 3: 20, 21

Psalm 51
Hebrews 10
Is. 12

John 6:28-29
1 John 2:26-29

I am your brother in the Lord, also an overseer in the Church. please make my heart glad by deeply studying these scriptures, praying through them, working your life and mind into obedience to the Lord, using these Sunday nights to gain the advantage over the enemy.

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