Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturday Morning Family Breakfast

We're having more structured meetings, lately. It's been great to KNOW what's going on and to hear from one another about what's going on. From dog and snake care, to theology and mission, to making sure that our neighbor friend kids get taken to a movie for their birthday... we're really growing in commitment and community...
Can't tell you how thankful we are to be together, in this...


  1. Yeah... more of this. Love to see your community in action and to see faces. Pics say sooooooo much more than words ya know. Oh and... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon. Lot's of Homer Simpson drool...

  2. yeah... more of this. I love to see your community in action. Pics are worth thousands of words ya know. And mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon... lot's of Homer Simpson drool.
