Monday, March 6, 2006

nothing more radical

there is nothing more radical than to be kind and patient, blessing enemies and critics...

there is nothing more revolutionary and liberating than the Person, Jesus. Presenting him to the nations, daily, one soul at a time, is the honor of his church, his people, his emmisaries, his ambassadors, kings and queens, priests and priestesses, sons and daughters, beloved children, wind and wave walkers...

there is nothing better than love. that's it.
that's the kingdom.
that's the prophets
that's moses
that's the scholarship of heaven...

there is nothing better, higher, nobler, truer...

there is no one more magnetic than Jesus, who draws us to the kingdom of love--or repels us, depending on the polarity of our hearts and minds...

Herod believed the same truth that the Wise men did. Yet he was repelled and the Magi were drawn...
Jesus describes the polarity of the kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount... if your heart leaps with relief as you read it, you are polarized correctly... if the ship of your ambitions is dashed on the rocks of hope as you hear Him, the rejoice!

if you are poor

but if you are proud
beware... (LUke 6'll do for now...)

thinking on these things today at the Sidewinder Cafe...


  1. You lou, thanks for those thoughts. Here in Nica. the people have so little, but have more faith than we do. Think about the contradictions
    Bro, I look forward to seeing you all on the 19th, not this coming friday, but next. Dude, also, as I count you only have about four more obstacles left. Though they be a mighty four, I count them as blessings in our dicussions. God bless the gathered at Northside.

  2. These words have life in them. Thanks! I love you guys so much and am so grateful to be walking with you.

  3. well put.

    you nailed the rejoice part. he is the savior to the broken and thirsty...a savior to all if they will say 'yes.'

    pray that today, i will say 'yes' as i do for you. -zach
