Monday, April 16, 2007

stoopy poopy

hey everyone! I've been away for a week in Florida, visiting our church folks down there. Back three days now and still haven't cleaned out the van or unpacked...
16 hours driving and managing kids.
more fun than you might think. I love driving around with the kids. Aaron and Seth are growing up so fast. Aaron's almost 13. I call him "dork" a lot. I never thought that sort of thing could be good for a kid, but he really has tremendous self esteem. He is a "cool" kid, at school.

Another thing about aaron is that he's losing the "chubb". He'll probly always tend to the chunky side, but he's shooting up and getting very very tall. 5'8", now. He laughed his head off when we considered the prospect of him not having "man boobs". Life with Aaron is very funny, once I get past the terror of our culture's teen-crazing crap.
He's addicted to an internet game: runescape. I don't think I care. Jesus saw me through much worse. So that's good.

Seth? He's five. Its all poop and farts and pee. "knock knock" "who's there?" Poop!
Knock knock

its all the same to seth. hilarious. love it.

and Andrew, our 18 year old exchange student/diplomat from the Republic of Georgia! He's reaady to go back and outlaw all pornography and legislate morality. He is frustrated by jesus, though, as he is learnign that making real changes in the heart is impossible through power and positional authority.
He's seeing the Jesus who loves sinners awake/alive... He's the Jesus whose table is set with scoundrels. When Jesus ate with the "righteous" he was likely to get kicked out or have a plot to kill him hatched.

Jesus pissed off poopy fartheads. there. poopy farthead religious guys. stoopy poopy old farthead religious guys always got freaked out.

aaah. that felt good.
i beg no pardon.
had to be said.


  1. wow, florida! long drive!! it's sounds like fun though :) specially right now when it's been snowing up here. eek.

  2. Tell Seth we found some of his poopy undies under the bed.

    Loved hangin with you and the family it was great. Lots of great memories. Are kids are growing up together, what a blessing!

    Look forward to see ya'll this summer.


  3. outlawing all pornography and legislating morality is a stupid idea...

    you said what had to be said!!!
