Sunday, April 22, 2007

Verse of Day

Hey all... this morning, after yesterday's Grand Opening of the Delhi Skatepark, I got up, met with Abe B, pastor of a new church plant in our 'hood, plotted musical stuff for their Grand Opening...

Grand Openings are kind of the theme of our life here. There are all these new marriages, Chris and Sheena just moved into a GREAT place (grand?) right across the street in, of all places 1325 Chase--the house we were trying to buy a while ago...

Today's Biblegateway verse was Romans 1:20.

I spent yesterday with people whom I respect, love, and work with. These are excellent people to me. They are new friends, and I prefer their company to that of many. They are not like me. They don't have a Jesus Fixation. I like them. I don't need them to affirm me, or my Fixation. My Fixation causes me to like them better and deeper the more I know them.

In fact, the very Fixation of Jesus makes me so happy to be with my friends, and to work all the more for them...

This verse says that those outside Fixation will not be able to criticize the justice of God on the day of Judgment. I say "yeah." But what excuse do we who claim Fixation say to excuse our lack of genuine affection for one another and those outside our self-affirming clubs?

"Sinners" flocked to Jesus. Why?
His reputation was mud. May mine be, too.
Sinners flocked to jesus. Jesus was drawn to them, too.

we are indeed without excuse, before God. None of us really wants to fight that fight. We know we're wrong and He's right.
But the Great News is that there has been a Grand Opening of God's heart of love to us. He is saying he wants a Grand Opening of our hearts, too.

I'm loving my Grand Openings. I need them.


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