Monday, April 16, 2007

What Lew is always freaking out about...

When the Christian life becomes a life-
style and no longer a relationship with a Per-

rather than growing in the grace and
knowledge of the Savior, we will develop in
the art of refining, polishing, and perfecting
the flesh.

Then we can have the programs
and activities, methods and formulas, strate-
gies and procedures, systems and theologies,
political involvement and community ser-

...religious causes...

“how-to” seminars

and self-help books...

and even outstanding
character qualities—

all without Christ as
our sufficiency!

Our flesh is very creative
and knows how to make itself appear and
act spiritual. But it is still the flesh, and it is
rotten to the core!

Jerry Benjamin, Simply Singular: Is
Christ Prominent or Preeminent?, 22-23

1 comment:

  1. Well stated. I've had the reaction several times at seminary to comments on papers ("I'd like you to do some more research on Moltmann's Christology," etc): "But wait! Jesus isn't a subject to study--he's a person to KNOW!"

    Sigh...the church needs help. God save us.
