Thursday, October 18, 2007

Daily Greeting...

I've posted to Jeremiah every day. You should check it out and comment. seriously. if you read this blog, it would be great for you to drop a quick thought there. having an online resource to share a community Bible study with the whole world is a dazzling thought...

...and do you all know that Lew(I) is (am) in the Sidewinder for about 2 hours a day from about 830 till about 11? It's a time of study and being present to my neighbors. That's where I post the studies and blog entries... that's where I talk about Jesus and life with neighbors... that's a good place and time to look for me...

Recent times with saints from abroad are cronicled in my blog (lewminator). Are any of you blogging? Let me know...

what a day is like

what a day is like...
i get up and get kids into clothes and get food into kids... Judy's on a week-long trip, so the kids and I do early bedtimes. I'm well rested...
...i skipped community prayer last night, for dinner and skateboarding with my kids, and a spongebob movie with seth... Prehistoric spongebob. sweet...

the kids and I are praying more often about the things we touch in a day. especially for all the people we know through skateboARDING. these are some of the most precious people I've ever met. Sheep without a shepherd is a good biblical term, as the wilderness and devastation of living outside the loving embrace of the All-Wise Father shows it's toll...

in yesterday's day, I got those kids to school and hit the Sidewinder to post to Jeremiah and Lewminator. Then Danielmatt and I got in the minivan and he shot stills and video of me skateboarding. This isn't a practice of mine, videography of my skills, but spending time with Danielmatt over it was really good for us. We picked up his now-repaired VW Jetta GLI.

then I went to visit my friends at Satellite 13 Skateshop. Psycho Daniel, the owner was there, with Stevethebeliever, and they listened to me prate on and rave about stuff. there was salt in the conversation, and grace was real in the moments... Those guys have a true attitude about stuff. I'm sat13 all the way this side of the ohio...

then I picked up boys, took them home, and made smoothies for a snack. We're eating about 8 smoothies a day at the house, lately. I make smoothies with carrot, grape, pomegranate, acai, blackberries, blueberrries, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, V8, Spinach, bananas... all kinds of stuff... i like the spicy v8, too...

so after smoothies, we're out to visit my friend Andrew's new skateshop in Newport, KY. Incredible. Holmes has set up the single best, and most mellow and gentle, skateshop I've ever been in. He's there behind the counter with his wife and baby, every day. This is going to be a heavy year, starting that up... I bought shoes and a deck there, as a way of supporting...

after that, the boys and I headed to the mini-park at St. Bernard for a session.
We grabbed Wendy's for dinner on the way. Dollar menu. None for me. I'm junk free almost 100% for many moons. Actually I'm 20 pounds lighter, now... than I was in Feb. I was sick most of last winter with flu that just wouldn't go away. Judy had to put up with me sick for over a month, and weak for two... now that my sick tooth is pulled and I"m eating all green and whatnot, we'll see... but most of all, i depend on God to show Himself to and through me, whether i'm sick or strong... I'm reaady to die and see the face of Jesus, as long as His promise to bring my sons after me is sure... and it is. I'll see you all again one day. get on the right side of the line, all.

i had a major interaction with an overwhelmed single dad, whose kids were skating. Man, i can't imagine how difficult the days are. I always cry out to Jesus when things get difficult, even a little. And I always praise and thank him for anything, little or big, that happens, even if its hard to understand.

Well, some of you know me real well and see me when my faith is failing and I'm complaining about this and that, but you've also seen how faithful Jesus is to turn this wandering, doubting heart around. His kindness has known no bounds toward me...

and then its bedtime, after Spongebob...

I'm so grateful for all of you: Judy, Aaron, Seth, Jesus People Northside, danielmatt, psychodaniel, stevethebeliever, HighSchoolAndrew, Andrew'sbeautifulwife, BabyDenver, Friendly guy who sells kinves onlineChad, BritishAureol and the HolyKenyans, Singledad who's going to buy a longboard, littlemotormouth-kid who's going to grow into a man someday, Austin-our st.bernard homie...

This life! It's so rich in love and in seeing God love people and seeing God touch and heal people...

...this is what a day is like...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Meeting Brits and Kenyans

Special greetings to Aureol, who loves Jesus more than any earthly queen. And greetings to the dear familiy of Celestine, who is going to attend NKU.

We had coffee yesterday (and Cornelius--bring your skateboard) and talked about the King and his Kingdom. What a love we have in Jesus. Only pray, all that I LIVE this stuff out.

I've been caught up in the fact that Jesus commanded us to teach each other to obey Him. That's not a balanced life. That's a focused life. And a life focused on Jesus will look like His life. And that was a life that was hard for people to understand, because it had in mind the things of God and not the things of men...

I'm skating and filming with Danielmatt, from our community today. What a great day.

peace to you.

Season of changes

We've had some changes this season, besides the weather. Our main community meeting has moved to Sunday mornings, over breakfast. With 2 babies on the way, and a one-year-old among us, evening meetings were becoming a thing of the past... On top of that, there're the 14-yr. old, 13-yr., 9-yr. and 5yr. olds... Wow! We've gone from a gritty troupe of misfit christians to being a mob of young married with children misfit christians...

Think of the babies! WHat fun we'll have with these little dudes crawling around as we pray and sing. First of the two newbies is due in November... the next in March...

Would you please join us in prayer? As usual, all this is happening in the midst of an intense level of spiritual warfare and gritty daily life, with actual, real daily problems and frictions... we need the grace of God to really flow, here...

Some of us need job changes.
The Chase house needs a sink plumbed in on the first floor...
There's a sense of dryness in regard to the things of the Spirit...

By the way, there was a notable physical healing among us last week!

And won't some of you readers out there come and visit? There are some folks we'd love to share a table with, outt there...


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Psalm 119: "Gimel"

Verses 17-24 make up the third part of this acrostic psalm.

hey all, just take a look at the LANGUAGE of this psalmist!
unashamed in asking for blessing (17)
admitting blindness and craving the wonders of God's Law (18)
divorced from the world (19)
broken-souled (20)

Then check out his words on the proud--Cursed.

holding to integrity, having kept God's word, in the face of rulers and princes false judgments. Meditating on the word, delighting in God's counsel...

Throw down some observations, all...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Yahoo! Poll

Hey all, click the link for the yahoo! group and take the new poll! Thanks to Sarah True for creating it.

Monday Check-In

Yesterday was Sunday,and what a joy it was to listen to the recordings of teaching and sharing in our meetings. I listened to them as I went to sleep.

Everybody, you can get copies of this stuff from me. I keep them on a flash drive, and you can get that and have the meetings' stuff for yourself...

Missing a meeting can be a drag. Its nice to be able to catch the worship and teaching.
It is my intent to edit out a lot of the stuff and leave the major prophecies and teaching and musical worship in a file, so you don't have a lot of "throw away" stuff... makes for a smaller file, too.
But I haven't got a good system worked out for that, so for now, we're sticking to the raw file size we have.

The guiding principle of our meetings is 1 Cor. 14:26.

"What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church."

These are recordings of meetings where everything done is for the strengthening of the Church. That's the purpose. jesus as leader, we are His people, and he is speaking through the body, and receiving our worship.
The love is almost tangible in the laughter and joy of our meetings.
that's something I noticed: laughter and joking and joy all around, without losing the gravity of the Truth engaging us...

I look up and look forward to the Lord breaking forth among us in more and more incredible ways, only let us love one another deeply b/c love is really the whole thing. I am sure that seasons of worship, and powerful miracles lie ahead of us. In order to steward that kind of power, let's LOVE deeply, adn without hypocrisy.

also, love one another.
and... love.

most important of all: He loves us.