Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday Check-In

Yesterday was Sunday,and what a joy it was to listen to the recordings of teaching and sharing in our meetings. I listened to them as I went to sleep.

Everybody, you can get copies of this stuff from me. I keep them on a flash drive, and you can get that and have the meetings' stuff for yourself...

Missing a meeting can be a drag. Its nice to be able to catch the worship and teaching.
It is my intent to edit out a lot of the stuff and leave the major prophecies and teaching and musical worship in a file, so you don't have a lot of "throw away" stuff... makes for a smaller file, too.
But I haven't got a good system worked out for that, so for now, we're sticking to the raw file size we have.

The guiding principle of our meetings is 1 Cor. 14:26.

"What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church."

These are recordings of meetings where everything done is for the strengthening of the Church. That's the purpose. jesus as leader, we are His people, and he is speaking through the body, and receiving our worship.
The love is almost tangible in the laughter and joy of our meetings.
that's something I noticed: laughter and joking and joy all around, without losing the gravity of the Truth engaging us...

I look up and look forward to the Lord breaking forth among us in more and more incredible ways, only let us love one another deeply b/c love is really the whole thing. I am sure that seasons of worship, and powerful miracles lie ahead of us. In order to steward that kind of power, let's LOVE deeply, adn without hypocrisy.

also, love one another.
and... love.

most important of all: He loves us.

1 comment:

  1. For editing... are you familiar with ?
