Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Psalm 119: "Gimel"

Verses 17-24 make up the third part of this acrostic psalm.

hey all, just take a look at the LANGUAGE of this psalmist!
unashamed in asking for blessing (17)
admitting blindness and craving the wonders of God's Law (18)
divorced from the world (19)
broken-souled (20)

Then check out his words on the proud--Cursed.

holding to integrity, having kept God's word, in the face of rulers and princes false judgments. Meditating on the word, delighting in God's counsel...

Throw down some observations, all...


  1. What joy there is in hearing from God and obeying. What security there is in His Law.
    God's Law is nothing like man's law.
    Man's law seeks to control but God's Law brings freedom.
    God's Law was made simple when Jesus said: "love one another".

  2. Bro, I miss you. I tried to leave you some voicemails, not sure if you still use the 305 #. It would be great to catch up with you. Man, I miss Lew.
    Peace, blessing, and joy to you and the family!
    Did I mention that I miss you?
