Friday, January 15, 2010

New beginning?

I'm yanking my old blogs and importing their content to fresh addresses with clean profiles... it is my hope to keep an account of this now 6 year journey, and get a fresh handle on how it's all disseminated. 

1 comment:

  1. Like the dutiful woman I am, I clicked a few items since it said "Follow this blogg" and I did, so now I am your follower, lew.
    Do you notice that when Jesus says, "Follow Me," the emphasis we give it is the ME part. Because of course Me is capitalized. I just now, just now, (Jan 2010) realized that that capital is not for emphasis. It is merely the capital of respect for Christ's pronoun. I need to hear the F O L L O W word. FOLLOW me. FOLLOW, not nudge into action, not saunter along beside, but FOLLOW. Niiiice.
