Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Not so safe anymore...

For those who wonder how prevalence violence is in our society, our neighborhood...

  • About 3 weeks ago our 15-year-old neighbor was jumped twice

  • Last week two of our brothers in the church were jumped for a cell phone...praise God neither was seriously injured and the Lord healed one of a near-certain surgery

  • The day after another young man and friend of ours was jumped

  • Today Aaron Ross was mugged for $1.50 from some local teenagers

Around here it's all about power and subjugation...gangs are starting up among young teenagers...mimicking the older teenagers and dealers...

This place isn't safe. Not by any means. Neither are we. We talk about revolution...here's our chance.

"Non-violence is not inaction. It is not discussion. It is not for the timid or weak... Non-violence is hard work. It is the willingness to sacrifice. It is the patience to win." Cesar Chavez

That's all nonviolence is - organized love." Joan Baez

"Nonviolence is not a garment to be put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be an inseparable part of our being." Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, December 16, 2005


So there are dozens upon dozens of ideas, values, questions, comments, fears, joys, concerns, praises, and just plain things circulating around what has occurred in our neighborhood and community this past week. We've just begun to discuss them here, and I'm really excited to see where we end up...

One thing that's really stood out in my mind, specifically one word, is REDEEM. This is by far the most tempting time to pull away, become discouraged, or lose hope. And i would honestly say, I can understand and empathize. these days are hard!!...and dangerous. but....we are not of those who lose hope, but those who believe. Believe in an all-powerful Father who DOES have the right to judge, discern, administer, and withhold whatever he chooses. And we trust him.

So what about our neighborhood? If we were at all sane, at all logical or normal this would be the single most opportune time for us to pull out, give up, and run away. But we believe this is not the time to run away, but rather the time to REDEEM. Redeem the days, redeem the neighborhood. Isn't that what the gospel is all about, redemption...saving the lost? To some degree we all have our story of redemption...and we know that because God redeemed us, we are empowered to redeem this place.

So when they beat up two of us, we will send four...When they jump the four we will send eight. And we will join the saints of old as we become known as those odd people who give up their things, even their own bodies, to be a living letter, a presence of God in a broken, lost, and REDEEMABLE place. We will be the ones with black eyes and scarred cheeks who stand on the corners giving out burgers and hot cocoa, preaching the good news of ANOTHER WAY, the way of SACRIFICIAL ALL-CONQUERING LOVE, the way of JESUS!

As I wrote this entry, our neighbor came in...he said his friend just got jumped today, too. Came home with a busted eye and cheek. Are we catching a theme here? this place is rough...and we Christians BELONG here...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A Post From AmyBee's blog...Click here

Everyone, check out Amybee's take of what happened last night... She is a missionary to Springfield, OH. She works with the Church up there... She has seen that the greatest need in the world is for the churchpeople to repent, unbless the status quo, and bravely live the gospel... Click the title of this blog entry to see what she writes...

I have to join in and tell you. I'm unapologetic for the message of the Cross. There is resistance to it: that we are to lose our lives in this world and sell our stuff and join the downward (not upward) climb...the race to the bottom...
that life is found in losing, not gaining
that love is shown in giving, not preserving...

...that much of what is sold as Christ is really just the Matrix...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

chris deering assaulted

chris deering and aaron smith got assaulted tonight after a basketball game with some brothas down the street... they beat chris and aaron down and pistol whipped them...
aaron ran 7 blocks to Chase House to get me...
i drove him down chase to where chris lay fallen.
on the way to help chris, as some of us were running down there they heard one of the neighborhood people say, "...going to see your friend?"

the cops were already there...
they had chris in a bedroom with paramedics patching him up
chris was really beat up. his face swollen, blood all over his shirt, his hand cut open...
aaron had blood from a headwound on his hands and collar
he and aaron went to Good Samaritan Hospital

chris challis' house dedication on the corner of chase and williamson was last night.

we've come to the attention of the hood...

chris challis has constant knocks on his door, and threatening looks from neighbors...

your prayers will make a difference, here...
we'll keep you posted...

last month, Michael, a young christian, got punched right in the face as he went down Chase Ave...
do you get it? this is a little taste of what it means to follow Christ.

Monday, December 12, 2005

John and Prari

We're planning a wedding in April!
Everyone knows that John (JP) and Prari are gettin' hitched, right?

Well, here they are!

i think the date is April 8th.
Pray for them and all of us here in Church together in Northside.

we miss grandpa

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
Mr. Weiss, our resident octagenarian, has been in CA for some time, now. He has lived on the first floor, with a winter in Europe and CA, since we moved here, about 18 months back.

When we arrived, Mom was in the final passings of cancer. We chose the house, with prayer as a place of passing and redemption... a place that could house a family, multigenerational, in community with the church, in mission to the world around us...

Dad has been like a father to me. He's actually Judy's dad. and I think now and then about my parents--how they must feel at times, since i became a radical jesusman and left NY and the lifestyle I was raised in...
...how i choose stray bullets and racial slurs for my children... third-rate schooling and fatherless peers with major life-defects...
...how our table is peopled with strangers and foreigners... how our couches and extra beds are devoted to hospitality for our brothers and sisters who are cold and homeless...

and i think that my parents couldn't help but feel proud... and glad...
i'm proud of my parents, Quentin and Sylvia, who did more than most with what they had... who conceived, sheltered, and fostered my life in my young years...

i feel more sympathy for them, every day. As I attempt not to ruin my kids, myself, I think of their plight during my younger years... those were hard days, and they weathered them.

Mom, Dad, I love you...

Mr. Weiss, John, Pops, I love you, too... God's blessing be on your trip to Europe and Israel. We miss you here. All of us. The churchones, the kids, Tim...

It's not easy to live with so many people, and our clutter is terrible. But a lot of us have been pitching in, and the clutter is way down on the first floor...

We've been watching Nanny 911, and i think its helping...

Total Domination

One word for last night on Chase Ave. "Total Domination"

There was snowball madness with us and Maurice, Montez, and Davante...

And I've still got it... Still got it...

Power Heroes, GO!

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
Chicago has a great skyline for superhero shots.

My Superheroes

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
here are Aaron and Seth in Chicago, last month... I'm in the house. I just dropped Aaron off at school. Judy's finally home after a 4 day trip... last night was church, snowball fighting, and moving Chris Challis in for his first night at Williamson and Chase...

Seth is just waking up.
Tim got up late. His grandma is really sick. We're all really sad and praying for her and his family in germany...

So, I'll be taking Tim in, soon...

But looking at this photo, and the one I'll blog above it, i think of my boys and i feel that loneliness I get for the day when all things are summed up in Him...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

irony in bronze

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
this is my four-year-old son, seth. he was at the "Freedom Center" in Cincinnati with some of the guys from our community...

look where Seth popped his squat. i think he just naturally sat with the slave figures on his right. look at that...

from the look of the exhibit, they left an empty seat under the gaze of the gun-toting slave trader...

and there sits seth...

what must this symbol mean? what does it mean to you? what does it say?
Around Halloween Time, Amy Bee came here for the first time. She had never visited us before, but she had heard about GK from a friend, and decided to visit us on a Sunday Night. She had never come before, but she heard that we "start" somewhere between 5 and 6, and that we "end" somewhere around 9.

The thing is, the 5pm thing is "prep time" for the hospitality of the meeting. We (are supposed to) come around and clean, cook and prepare the first floor for the deluge of humanity that comes with greater and greater magnitude each Sunday night... That way, Judy doesn't feel like she's overwhelmed every Sunday...

So, Aimee has "the disaster" of showing up early and not knowing what to expect, and this is what she got.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Wave USA Report from their site

this is from the Wave guys' website. Go there from Smitty's blog, or look at the entry like five down from this one for a link...

November 20, 2005 - Ohio Rocks

For me, Ohio became the observation state. All the ministries we were involved in I just sat back and observed. Watching GOD move. It was a restful time. In Cincinnati I got to hang out with the awesome Ross family and friends. GOD has placed them in a huge crime and pride area. We froze together, praised together, did service work together, hung out and talked with one another, and even celebrated a birthday together!

Then we went up with the rest of the group to Columbus a few days later. We celebrated Waitangi’s birthday that night, watched movies, and fellowshipped together. It was our Sabbath day. I ate cake for like 4 straight days! Sunday was Vineyard Tuttle Crossing Church. The church took us out to Golden Corral afterwards. Yum! Ohio, rocks. Ohio, rocks!

North Carolina

Zach And Tim

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
You know, I think Zach is one of the funniest people I know. Go to his weblog and you'll have a hard time seeing that, I know. It's so serious. It should be.

but come over here, and Zach'll have you in stitches with his dry wit and flat out slappy stuff...

here he is muggin' with tim.

He can't talk to tim without using a phony german accent. it's like there's something wrong with him.

Hey Russell, there's a horse-butt infront of yer church... hehe..hehehehehe

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.

Wavers in Garfield Park

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
Cold that day!

Russel, this is your church behind us. This was a cool part of our tour. We loaded up Chris Challis and took him and his wheelchair down to the "Just us" center to visit Nicole in Jail. That's Chris with No legs visiting Nicole who's in Jail... welcome to our family. i'm lew who has problems unmentionables in front of children...

anyway, we had a great little walking tour while Chris attempted a visit. On the way back to our car, a fight almost broke out, right on the street! Joseph starts taking pictures and this brotha with gold teeth starts comin' up to him, all gettin up in his grill, ya know? Knaaameean?

So it diffuses and we're on our way... great tour.

Wave USA In Garfield Park

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.

Entering Garfield Park Wave Usa

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.

JP Schoolin' the Wave on life in the hood

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
My beard is indicating that JP is the man for schoolin' the Wavers on life in the hood. We started the tour here, in Northside, across from McPerry's sarisari store, where there's a brisk corner trade in inhalants.

We loved hosting this group and we hope we see them all again.

come live here with us and let's pray down kingdom come!

WAVE USA visit

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
you got yer basic:
o geez what's your name? you forgot a bag of stuff. Seth loved you so much. You left a big chunk of your heart here with him... we all love you and i'll remember your name later...

in this picture, at a park, getting a "tour".

Me and My beard

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
this is me (Luke/Lew) giving a tour of cincinnati. I was trying to be knowledgable, but JP had the inside scoop on the city stuff. he led the tour, really.

I just used my beard to point to stuff... i really like my beard...

7 Wavers from YWAM, in Cinci

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
November 21, 2005 - 6 Wavers hit the ghettos of Cincinatti

I had no idea where we were going into when I raised my hand to go to Cincinnati. I didn’t know that I will have to continue to share the bathroom with not only 8 guys (when we were in Indiana) but with 10 guys when we go there. I didn’t know we were going from long sleeve shirt to a coat, muffler, mitten, two layers of pants and shirts which I didn’t have.

Sometime, that’s what it’s like to live a life of Jesus. We met Luke and his bunch at the worst ghetto area that I have ever been to. They looked so out of place, no wonder the many churches and Christians does not fully understand what they are trying to do there. What they are trying to do is to live ‘Jesus’ and live ‘love’. In this 100% non-white neighborhood, they just looked out of place, just like Jesus who looked so out of place in many places he went to. He went to the land of Samaritan to talk to this Samaritan woman, and went to the tax payers’ house to hang out with them. I could easily picture Luke and his friends in places like a youth group, bible study, mission committee, but they were here, truly following His commandment to love one another as we love ourselves.

I have to confess that my definition of ‘loving one another haven’t stretch that far yet. My prayer is that He will stretch our minds and worlds to see what His love really looks like in real life. I hope it is yours too.

-Youhee Lee
Bayside, New York


Youhee from the YWAM Wave usa team wrote up this little article. you can find it by going on "Smitty's Blogspot" and clickign the WAVE USA link, or by pasting in:

it is interesting to be called Luke. I get that a lot. Lew is a funny name. Thanks, though, Mom.

Anyway, I put in the article just below here with a photo of the team. I'llnow proceed to blog in the rest of the photos of the team...

Instrument of Peace

"Make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred...
where there is injury...
where there is doubt...
where there is despair...
where there is darkness...
and where there is sadness...

Look! Look at WHERE! Yet do we gravitate, as Christians to such places? Such circumstances?

after writing that last post, i think of all of you out there who yearn to serve, and who would Love to just chuck it all and live an adventure with Jesus, sinking your life fully into Mercy and grace.

go for it. Jesus talked about selling all and giving to the poor and becoming His disciple. I'd like to see you do it.

go for it.

don't let the seeming harshness of what i write gouge you deeply. let it spur you on.

step out of the boat. you just might float. take a chance...

i know that the devil is always ready to give us another chance on down the line to get rich and die fat and happy, so don't worry, you'll be able to get plenty of stuff accumulated later, if you decide that living 100% is too much for you...

...but something tells me that you're the lean and hungry type.

go for it... find community among like minded radicals and get loving the poor and lowly. get close to the dirt and get farming the word into communities that don't know love, yet. be an instrument of peace

Downer Posts

I just gave the address of this blog to my aunt. I love you, aunt Pat. I don't know if you'll like this blog, but we are who we are and I love you from right here...

but you know, lately i've heard that our blog is kind of a downer. I mean that there is a lot of... criticism, here.

Well, you're right. There is. Yes, we're getting a little critical. But is that such a bad thing? I mean, if we weren't to mention that, in this city the individual poor people we meet tell us that the institutional solutions to poverty aren't worth a dime, wouldn't that be...neglectful of our duty to inform?

If we were to neglect reminding the Chruch that, while it's impressive on some level that we've built the $10million facility/$12/$14million facility... did you know that the churches that i know of (just 3 or four) in the Cinci area (Faith E-Free in Milford, Hope church in Mason, Crossroads in Oakley) among them have sunk somewhere in the ballpark of 12, 13, 14... 39million dollars into building projects?

and chris froze to the ground... FROZE TO THE GROUND... last christmas season. A christian brother who went to one of these churches... As they put it, "he fell through the cracks".

now, before we blame some individual church, let's look at our own lives. Do we have houses? Money? Time? Would we if we changed our lifestyles to fit our beliefs? yes. You see, the institutional approach has done its best. It is not enough. The Church has to be more than an institution. It has to be US. Cassi, Zach, Lew, Judy, Christine, Danielmatt, Chris, Chris, Arsenne, Adam, Aimee--US. And we need to be about the basics of hospitality and love.

our fathers in the church have not taught us how to do this. We haven't been given how to obey the simple commandment of Jesus about sharing our lives and our stuff with the poor and the prisoner from the generations of american churchgoers before us. But we still have the full responsibility fo rthiis!

So, well, if it's a downer, I'm not sorry at all. I hope you decide to join into the joy of the Lord and serve Him at the expense of this world.

Monday, December 5, 2005

Zach responds to Cassi

Cassi, I never mentioned crossroads on my xanga...when i mentioned 'rich churches' i meant many churches...probably including crossroads. i dont question the motives of the people at Crossroads...I optimistically think...that the people at Crossroads are just dying to be challenged to follow Christ..but the most they are challenged to is the 'risk' of new building campaign...or give turkeys away. you mentioned the risk taking at crossroads...i dont see much risk in building campaigns...whether its an expansion or a building in Africa. just b/c the new building is big...doesnt mean that it was more risky. what is risky is sellin what we have..and joining the despised and rejected, the poor. i pray that Citylink doesnt get built. first, b/c Brian T. didnt work with any local church or other leaders in the West End...this was evident by how the meeting went with that community a couple Mondays ago.more importantly b/c if..homeless people get helped...it will justify many of the crossroad peeps continued seperation from the poor. and we will again miss the point...WE are supposed to be changed by our interaction with the poor! i dont want to see another place get built that helps the poor but keeps the rich and poor apart. thats charity, not christianity.We need to build a center in Blue Ash or Kenwood...to help solve this wealth problem...for rich people to come and hear the Gospel. that says...'no the poor will enter AHEAD of you into the Kingdom, you are the ones who need help, a center built. AND your wealth can very well keep you out of the KIngdom! your money and wealth is dangerous! sell what you have, give it to the poor, and join this revolution.'thats all i have to say about that...much love cassi

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Add bodies, stir, and chill

We're piling into the two houses of the Northside Church/grubbykupp community, here... last night, a young man from the Ivory Coast, stayed in the Big Living Room with Chris Challis. He is a wonderfully faithful young believer, an olympic hopeful, and a dutiful man. His name is Arsenne.

The house across the street, where Matt and Christine, JP, Zach, Smitty, Chris, and Aaron live is COLD! I mean, like in the thirties up in the sleeping quarters!

Several have already gotten bad colds, and people have been stunned by lack of sleep due to cold, here. Imagine... wow.

Our friend, Arsenne, from the Ivory Coast

Arsenne, from the Ivory Coast is a new member of our family for the next couple weeks. He stayed with John and Sydney Wallis for a long time, and now has come to share life with us. He is a fully scholarshipped track and field athlete, adn will be attending school in Indianapolis, soon.

last night, he shared the Big Living Room with Chris Challis. Tonight, he will brave the cold up in Zach's room across the street.

Friday, December 2, 2005

Something from Cassi

Posted as a comment to Lewminator.
Thank you, Cassi. We need to hear this.
Keep us in prayer as we repent of pride.

Thanks for speaking from the heart and giving us a lot to think about.


i apologize in advance for the length.

I've recently started reading several blogs from people within the house church and it has given me plenty of thinking to do over the last few weeks. Needless to say, I live in a very different part of Cincinnati with a very different daily experience of life and of God. It is always encouraging and exciting to me to see the people being affected in Northside as a result of the presence of everyone there. It encourages me often to think about other ways I can be a blessing to the people around me and the people who have less than me. It is encouraging to me to see the whole crew united and truly taking risks as y'all believe in the power of prayer. Again, I am reminded of my own lack of faith at times and am encouraged to trust God and do things for him that I am often afraid to do.

I think that my respect for the lifestyle and ministry of the people of your house church is why I am disappointed when I read so many criticisms and blames on an often unnamed "rich church."

Note: I am posting here on your blog specifically not to respond to any person's comment - I do not want to start an argument or attack people. I know that you will respectfully read my response and consider my words.

There are certainly churches out there who abuse their resources and their power. THere are certainly downsides and difficulties that come with larger churches. As has been mentioned, people can slip through the cracks. It is easy for people to live independent Christian lives. It is easy to remain anonymous. It can be hard to reach some isolated needs. It can be hard to show individual attention to people that need it. It can be easy to turn it into a "look-at-us" show. But may I speak for this "unnamed church" AS A FORMER CYNIC myself. I didn't like it the first time I went, it was too big. How would I ever get involved? But as I went back and listened to the heart of those in leadership, I realized that this is a place full of people who are serious about being a blessing to the city Cincinnati - no excuses. I have seen this church take some incredible risks financially and otherwise to do just that. It is absolutely possible for people to fall through the cracks, but no church proper can attend to every need in the city. The vision is to have the church - each person and each relationship live in daily sacrifice to the people around them, only then will the church be the church. If that happens (and I've seen it in action), then groups of friends, Christians, members of THE church work together to make a difference in the lives of the people around them. They aren't dependent upon the church to provide them with all the answers on how to meet needs, which has its own positives and negatives. They creatively and actively involve themselves in the lives of others. Their sacrifices may not look as extreme as many in the house church, but there are hundreds of stories of people, families who have made sacrifices financially and with their time to support what this church is doing. It's normal people making sacrifices, putting off buying cars, houses, going on vacations, buying clothes, or literally skipping meals so they can be a part of what is going on here.

A large part of the money raised went to build an aids hospice in south africa through a partnership. It wasn't just given so as to make the group dependent upon the church here, but it was a partnership, to aid in the success of their building. It is the largest hospice in the entire country. The significance being that it would be equivalent of people in over-the-rhine or northside building the largest, most resourced hospital in cincinnati. People gave generously and sacrificially here because they believed in making a difference there.

A partnership of about 5 churches and 5 other organizations in Cincinnati has formed to build what will be called the CityLink center. Not just a homeless shelter or a food kitchen, but a place where people can go to get life skills and education and support and walk alongside people, Christians so that they may walk again and rise up out of poverty. Hundreds of volunteers will be giving their time here. It is a place I hope to get involved in, perhaps even with counseling. People gave generously and sacrificially because they want to be a part of making a difference in the lives of those in Cincinnati.

Because of the risks and the responsibility with which this church has acted in the city, the architect of the new building is now a follower of Christ. The construction crew bent over backward to get the construction done in time for a dedication service because the church was ethical and generous with their money and respect.

I understand some may challenge the motives of the church and the people here. To those, I would give the challenge: attend the church regularly for 3 months and get involved somewhere. Listen to the vision. Talk to the volunteers and see why they do it. Think about the hundreds of people who have started a relationship with Christ, not because of the church, but because of the lives that people have lived in their communities and who have been willing to introduce their friends and neighbors to Christ. Think about the hundreds of people who had given up on God or given up on Christ or never would have taken the next step in their relationship with Christ if they hadn't had a non-threatening place to go and be challenged. Now there are many more people who were perhaps raised in the church but never understood what it meant to live a sacrificial life to God.

Then consider the leadership. How often do you see large churches taking risks and not just playing it safe on what they are sure they can accomplish merely because of their size. See if you don't get the impression that this is a place that does not want to be a church, but a place that wants to rely on the power and the vision of God.

I will never say that this is the only way to "do church." There are things that this church can do, impacts that this church can have because of its great number of resources - the largest of those being volunteers. Never have they hosted an event or volunteer opportunity and come up short. There are always more volunteers than needed. There have been choices made to make sure the place is run by volunteers so that they don't have to hire and pay as many staff members as other churchs the same size. It's large. It has its negatives. But I ask people to consider that money and resources are not indicators of pride and selfishness. The attitude of the heart of so many of the people here is gratitude and generosity.

Often God gives generously to those who give generously first. Often God gives generously of other non-financial things to those who give generously of their lives. I admire the choices many of you have made and the experiences in northside, the opportunity to change lives of people in poverty to whom maybe noone has shown respect. There are relationships built there and experiences had that most people will not experience. Those are invaluable. The sacrifices made by many of you are recognized and praise is given to God for your obedience. I and others are encouraged by your service.

But I ask for the same respect and in the spirit of unity, I ask for the same consideration - to recognize that there are people even in a large church who live and give sacrificially of themselves, their time, and their money. And that there are downsides to all churches - large and small.

I do hope this has not come across as argumentative or attacking. I have tried to be fair and not to put either "church" above the other. I think it is exciting to consider the reactions of the people in cincinnati when they see both churches large and small responding with love and mutual respect. So many different groups of people will be reached and people will see so many manifestations of the love of Christ.


Thursday, December 1, 2005

in reaction to Amy Bee's confession

i don't pray a lot before i eat. i kinda hang my head as i start, though. you know what i mean? i hang my head and feel this feeling of

"o god, i'm so RICH. look at what i am eating! o god, please take my life and help me! i don't know how to serve you in this ocean of needs. i want to be found serving the least of these your brethren, and this plate is sooooo full... my belly is sooooo full... and there are so many of the least of these. and they are cold, hungry, thirsty, lonely, in prison, RIGHT NOW!"

that's pretty much what happens every single time i eat. i think it's much more christian than all this thankyouprayer-ing that we are accustomed to... a bit of mourning is a good turn...

"and oh, how i SIN against you, Father..."

i'll remove this when they come after me about the copyrights, but you gotta read it

Antonio Reed – “There is an Assassin Living on the Inside of Me”
There is living deep-down inside of me.
Ready to kill, steal, destroy and put me in chains for the rest of my life so that I can never run free.
This assassin doesn’t care about me, you, it, God or the next man.
If he could have his way with my life I would be standing over a dead body when the police arrives,
with the murder weapon in my right hand.
He talks to my brain late at night when I’m asleep and he shows me dreams about the wrongs I did.
How I disrespected my family, broke the hearts of some real good women and neglected all my five kids.
I still be searching for happiness, mind corrupted, who’s the blame.
Deep, down inside my soul, I still feel a lot of hurt, pain, guilt and shame.
I grew up in a home with dogs, cats, nasty roaches and filthy rats, With spiders in every corner,
I sometimes was punished with stitching cords and plastic bats.
I was always talked down to and it hurt,
Stepped and spit on like dirt
Never invited no company over cause of how filthy the house was.
I took to the street life cause, unlike my family, the street life showed me Love.
Never was I taught how to deal with my feelings properly so I would stuff them all deep down inside.
I used drugs for my hurtful feelings.
I was raised I shouldn’t cry.
So now I ask what in the hell is wrong with me.
I’ll tell ya, There is something in my self-destructive personalities that cries for failure.
Now I ask who is the evil one that leads me wrong, took control over my family and disrupted my home.
Gee, it’s that assassin deep down inside and if I let him, he will kill me.
I have to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God and hope that you hear me clearly.
This assassin wants my mind, body and soul because he lives in me.
There is an assassin living on the inside of me.


you know, there are a lot of christians who would read this and say,
"hey, we'll cast that demon out of you!
that's what we ought to do."

but that thing's gotta get loosened up by the spilled blood of risky love
of christians sharing their stuff, their lives
like their minds're on
the things above.

otherwise, when it comes out
it's gonna take half of you with it...
and after it's wandering days, all it's gotta do
is hold that other half
and offer it to you...

and over turns the knob
and out swings the door
and in comes that assassin
and seven nasty more...

Story by JP

The following post is something JP pumped out in response/reaction to a situation on our street the other night. There were like 5 patrol cars and 12 police officers involved. They were rude and harsh in their demeanor, and unprofessionally disrespectful of the family that lives next door to Zach and JP's house...

The police arrived in response to a complaint about people crashing in the basement of the house (a duplex). The basement is shared space, and the other tenants in the bldg are... kinda wild. So when people started living downstairs, and whatnot with all that goin' on and all... they called the cops.

The arrival of police was a good thing at first, but then they "ran" everyone in the house. this means tha tthey took the opportunity to police check everyone's record, right then. this takes a long time, and usually someone has some outstanding ticket or something, so they haul them off to jail and there are court costs and time lost and if they're trying to get their life together and have a job, now, they lose it, and like that. So "running" everyone in response to a complaint of squatters in the basement is kindof intense...

Just prior to the arrival of the police, Maurice got in a fight on the street. He's a 15-year old kid. He's 6'3". He mouthed off and got jumped for the second day in a row... So the cops are there, he's complaining, and Zach walks right up and enters the house, checking on M.

M. has blood on his shirt, is talking about getting jumped and jacked, and Zach is wondering what's up, and the cops threaten to arrest him and all this is going on, and Zach has issues with disrespectful authority and whatnot, and the police aren't being professional or wise...

and I'm outside, now. I have heard that there's a situation at M's house, specifically that he's been jumped. Zach is inside (getting threatened) and I'm walking up. I stop at the perimeter of the scene, where I see the first officers. I stand in view, waiting to be looked at, but they are ignoring me right now.
an officer finally looks at me, but looks away. I have trouble reading these guys, but it seems like they're hoping I'll just move on. I won't. I'm waiting to talk to you, officer.

The officer turns to me as he sees four more of us converging on the perimeter.

I step forward and offer my hand, stating my name and my profession (pastor), indicating my residence, next to the church, there.
Officer looks annoyed, speaks sharply, gestures rudely and dismisses me.

I offer to him that I'll be right over there if I can be of any assistance, since the family is in the care of our church, and the young man in there who was assaulted is one of our regulars... He assures me that I'm not necessary and gestures rudely again, obviously exasperated by my presence and interest.

I wait on the perimeter, and when things calm down, I leave...

There is good conversation among us about how the police have lost/never had a professional attitude toward the people of this area...