Saturday, December 10, 2005

Wavers in Garfield Park

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
Cold that day!

Russel, this is your church behind us. This was a cool part of our tour. We loaded up Chris Challis and took him and his wheelchair down to the "Just us" center to visit Nicole in Jail. That's Chris with No legs visiting Nicole who's in Jail... welcome to our family. i'm lew who has problems unmentionables in front of children...

anyway, we had a great little walking tour while Chris attempted a visit. On the way back to our car, a fight almost broke out, right on the street! Joseph starts taking pictures and this brotha with gold teeth starts comin' up to him, all gettin up in his grill, ya know? Knaaameean?

So it diffuses and we're on our way... great tour.

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