Saturday, December 10, 2005

7 Wavers from YWAM, in Cinci

Originally uploaded by grubbykupp.
November 21, 2005 - 6 Wavers hit the ghettos of Cincinatti

I had no idea where we were going into when I raised my hand to go to Cincinnati. I didn’t know that I will have to continue to share the bathroom with not only 8 guys (when we were in Indiana) but with 10 guys when we go there. I didn’t know we were going from long sleeve shirt to a coat, muffler, mitten, two layers of pants and shirts which I didn’t have.

Sometime, that’s what it’s like to live a life of Jesus. We met Luke and his bunch at the worst ghetto area that I have ever been to. They looked so out of place, no wonder the many churches and Christians does not fully understand what they are trying to do there. What they are trying to do is to live ‘Jesus’ and live ‘love’. In this 100% non-white neighborhood, they just looked out of place, just like Jesus who looked so out of place in many places he went to. He went to the land of Samaritan to talk to this Samaritan woman, and went to the tax payers’ house to hang out with them. I could easily picture Luke and his friends in places like a youth group, bible study, mission committee, but they were here, truly following His commandment to love one another as we love ourselves.

I have to confess that my definition of ‘loving one another haven’t stretch that far yet. My prayer is that He will stretch our minds and worlds to see what His love really looks like in real life. I hope it is yours too.

-Youhee Lee
Bayside, New York

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