Saturday, December 10, 2005

Wave USA Report from their site

this is from the Wave guys' website. Go there from Smitty's blog, or look at the entry like five down from this one for a link...

November 20, 2005 - Ohio Rocks

For me, Ohio became the observation state. All the ministries we were involved in I just sat back and observed. Watching GOD move. It was a restful time. In Cincinnati I got to hang out with the awesome Ross family and friends. GOD has placed them in a huge crime and pride area. We froze together, praised together, did service work together, hung out and talked with one another, and even celebrated a birthday together!

Then we went up with the rest of the group to Columbus a few days later. We celebrated Waitangi’s birthday that night, watched movies, and fellowshipped together. It was our Sabbath day. I ate cake for like 4 straight days! Sunday was Vineyard Tuttle Crossing Church. The church took us out to Golden Corral afterwards. Yum! Ohio, rocks. Ohio, rocks!

North Carolina

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