This idea works out in all kinds of outreaches and dialogues and refocusing and whatnot. You can see it everywhere, as the church in America tries to "refocus" on "reaching" the world, or "serving" the world, or "reconciling" to the world, or what/how-ever you may see it...
There are great sacrifices going forth in this purpose-to reach our neighbors. Huge buildings "for the good of the community" have been erected. Salaries paid, programs made, volunteers recruited, missions mobilized...
except that, almost without exception, when I powwow with folks from these groups--yes I may be talking about yours--they are DEVOID of one thing:
no kidding.
how are they "devoid of Jesus"?
Let me say it this way: they are STARVING for a touch from Jesus. They cry when we pray. they tell me that nobody talks like when we do with the Bible and the Spirit doing this thing that he does here,in the in-between service breaks over coffee...
They come to a living room meeting and get the (biblical) filling with the Spirit and hear the voice of God like never before...
They say things like, "I've gone to church forever and never heard anyone... and now I..." "I've been a Christian for X years, but now I know Jesus..."
People are HUNGRY.
In Amos It talks about a famine for hearing the Word of the Lord. Those days are on us, as church leaderships nationwide flounder in confusion and indecision about who we are and what we're here for.
The last four months have seen a return, an intensification of this dynamic in my life. Jesus is calling his people to return to HIM. return to a focus on Him. an absolute, exclusive focus on Him, and not on the concerns of this world.
and, simultaneously, I'm hearing preachers short-selling people on another message.
This false message is a shifting of focus toward this created world. They sell this world's need as our primary mission. They are telling you that it is your neighbor's needs and your compassion for them that should drive your piety (your religious activities).
well this isn't what Jesus is talking about. He's not talking about human-based compassion and activity. He's talking about Holy-Spirit-based righteousness and holiness and love, working out in our communities, which will shine bright to those who are hungry for God...
The truth is that when it comes to focus, we are to be "Jesus People".
Think about "FOCUS".
We got a serious "focus Problem" here. In between services, or in living rooms isn't where the most clear call to Jesus should be. It should be in that big mess of folks who came to hear good news, not warmed up leftovers... The good news is a mystery, but not a secret. Don't hedge your bets, you preacher-men. Sharpen it up and serve it hot. No more soft-soaping people into coming back next week.
blow on the coals...
and get in focus...
Cant you tell who is a kIngdom person? They're the ones with the far off look in their eyes, who walk in the Spirit and are always doing something strange and wonderful, whose friends are so unexpected, and who end up dying well--and sometimes young...
They are hard workers who don't complain and always have great joy...willing to lose out in order to maintain honesty. When they are given the worst work, time after time,they do it with JOY, knowing that it is Christ they serve...
They are people who can't sin without confessing and forsaking it. They can't stand for there to be anything between them and father...
They are those who leave their whole lifestyles behind, losing riches and pleasures--cleaning up and simplifying to serve Jesus...
They are annoying, how they always refer to Jesus...
They lose out, but not because they're bossy or messy. But because they're over-focused on Jesus.
Just Jesus.
2 Cor. 11 says,
"Oh that you would bear with me in a little folly--and indeed you do bear with me.
For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy.
For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you tas a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness,
so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached,
or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received,
or a different gospel which you have not accepted--you may well put up with it!"
please, oh please, brothers and sisters, Don't put up with less than total captivation with JEsus. That is the only hope for the world. Jesus Himself, the person, working miracles among us again, like in the Bible... This is why we have the Bible--to sharpen our hunger for the ACTUAL activity of Jesus...
Thursday, March 1, 2007
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