Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Speckled Bird

As many of you know, there is another band of Jesus People in Northside, on our side of N-side. They are our brethren and closest neighbors. Travis, Jesse, Pete, Ben, Kelley, Fio, Jenny, and a lot of other folks--The Speckled Bird. They have chosen the name (been chosen by the Name) "Speckled Bird". So, between our neighbors the "Speckled bird", adn us "GrubbyKupp", our N-hood is overflowing with oddly named jesus people communities!

As for the name "Speckled Bird" it comes from Jer. 12:9 in the older translations. Click the Reference to see that verse in an online Bible.

and there's a famous hymn: The Great Speckled Bird, too. Click that title to see the song lyrics.

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