Monday, March 19, 2007

Thoughts about Lists

Sometimes I perceive the need to say:

"There is no list of things we've done that we can prepare in this life and bring to the throne of God. We don't present credentials, there."

Matt. 7


"There is a list of things we've done that awaits us there."

Daniel 7

Rev. 20


"Though we can't bring a dossier/portfolio, what went around does really come around..."

Rev. 14



1 Cor.3 Trial by Fire


  1. I can get really dense someitmes, but I don't follow what you are trying to say... could you please clarify?

  2. Man I love you Justin. Sometimes we're all a little dense, but not you this time. I composed this entry of some loosely connected stuff that I thought might get the neurons firing for us all.

    Sorry its so cryptic, but I just love to leave you all room to comment.

    Would you like to attempt a comment linking or describing how some of the scriptures link together?

    or perhaps to say how they do NOT?

    And I'm ever grateful for your continued friendship through this dear internet. What a gift.
    Blessings on you and the girls.

  3. hey Lew,
    the link to Matt. 7 is only 21-23...
    I think (especially with the little ones around) it's really important to get the context here, at least up to v.15 (false prophets, good fruit, bad fruit, this is how you recognize).
    If we quote up to there, we then can link to to one of my favorite lists: Galatians 5:16-32 especially v.22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

  4. hey Lew,
    the link to Matt. 7 is only 21-23...
    I think (especially with the little ones around) it's really important to get the context here, at least up to v.15 (false prophets, good fruit, bad fruit, this is how you recognize).
    If we quote up to there, we then can link to to one of my favorite lists: Galatians 5:16-32 especially v.22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

  5. Ok....
    I like this. A skim-reading of it looks like there is some inconsistancy here. But a deeper reading brings some understanding.
    I really wish you'd stop with "The Message." I do like Peterson's rendering of the Gospels; but when he translates more thoes works written by more "learned men" (St. Paul, or Daniel for instance) it sounds... well... goofy.
    Meaninless chatter aside, In these passages I see the Grace of God Exploding through our stupidity. There IS a list of what we have done. God has this list. We are damned. And we fully earned it.
    - but -
    In Peterson's Language, "We don't present credentials there." Mainly becuse our list damns us. But the fact that we even get to come before the Throne is grace in itself. Christ can remove that list. The broken body of our Lord casts our sin away from us, and burns the list.
    In the end, all that remains in me that was vile is nothign more than ashes blowing away in the wind. But it's *His* work, not mine.
    That's what I think...
    Wonder what Knox would have to say

  6. i didn't realize that I had used "The Message" translation for those links. I agree with you, Justin, that that isn't the best translation.

    I may go back and change the links to NIV or something more standard.

    I just love your comment! Thank you so much for participating! You made the post, you and David.

  7. David, I immediately published your comment without reading it, knowing that you would only leave something good for all of us.

    You did.

    As I did during our walk last night, I thank you today with all the other readers.

    Maybe I'll do this blog better and leave more posts hanging like this.

    Thank you both for doing the work of reading through and sharing from what you see.

    Richest blessings.
