Thursday, November 4, 2004

Here in Cincinnati the weather is changing... There are warm/cool days... a mild fall with some rain, but mostly it's beautiful... The election is over and we're glad...

That served to connect us a bit more with our neighborhood as we attempted to make connections with a local grassroots organization to help get out the Afr.Am. (read "afram" for convenience) vote...

Northside, Cincinnati...Cinci...Cinti...Cin...da'nati... our neighborhood. da 'hood.

it's full of folks and they're struggling... we're struggling... i see pain on the faces of women who work three jobs and have two house payments and something in litigation going on... there is a high transience level here... folks move in and get evicted, and move on... most people around the Chase House don't stay long...

Please pray, God's Children, for all the souls in our neighborhood. There is a storefront church like every block, but there's not a lot of warmth around. The drug dealers are "there for you, kid", but the churches require proper conformity and good attendance, and many of them are really cultic...

i mean that. there are a lot of very "splinter" groups that have put out the shingle in Northside. Radical stuff that mixes up all kinds of religions and bulldogs on obscure doctrines to define itself...

God told me that if we wait on Him and follow His instructions, He'll make us a "mass mailing of living letters" to the world.

It's good to begin to connect with my neighborhood. Pray for it to go step by step.

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