Sunday, November 28, 2004

Vineyard Community Church/Tri-County Vineyard

I love the Vineyard church here... There's such a passion in the worship music, and an intensity to share the love of Jesus with our area through servanthood and simplicity...

This morning I took the girls and Seth to VCC (I visit a lot of churches, since we meet in our minstry at night). Aaron was over at a friend's house. There was a great articulation of the simple truth that God really loves us...

Brother Dave (Workman) also shared how, in Isaiah 53, it's clear that you and I aren't the ones that killed Jesus, but rather it's God who did it. Yep, it's become really popular to say, "I killed Jesus (with my sins)", but the scriptures never say it like that. The Bible says that the Father was pleased to strike Jesus, and put him to death, to ransom us...

God loves you so much that He struck Jesus (himself? or even harder than himself, his own son?) so He could win your heart...

This seems like utter foolishness. But my life is devastated and rebuilt by it. My heart is broken and healed by it... I was dead and now I'm alive.

I've been burned by big church before, but brother dave and Robbie and all the folks that make VCC happen (it's one of the two Cincinnati churches where my 3-yr. old loves to visit) have BLESSED us.

Thank you, Jesus for them. Thank you for using them to strengthen me and set me straight to the task of reaching Northside for Jesus... And who knows what lies on the horizon? Surely if we look straight at Jesus, we'll die well...

The week before, I took the kids to a seeker-sensitive church: Crossroads Community Church. I'll write an article on our experience there, soon.

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