Monday, September 26, 2005

October thru December Help Needed

I have become aware that a lot of folks would like to come to the house to help out our life here. Thank you all for your interest in our efforts and the mission we're seeing develop as the Holy Spirit guides the Church here, in Northside.

A lot of you have time constraints, though. I'd like to offer you an invitation to come share your skills and willing hands, any time you want. Let me know when you're coming, and we'll have hands here to work alongside...

yesterday, a brother came to give 2 hours to the Lord in service... He cut the hedges and cleaned around the house, outside... That stuff hadn't been touched for nearly two years...

We have a leaking third-floor gutter
a damaged outside sill.
the need to do a little plumbing and build a small wall in a bathroom
a tub that needs reglazing
a basement floor to repaint
a room down there to finish and furnish as a food/clothing pantry
we need a dehumidifier

There are a lot of things that, if completed by winter, will enable us to better serve our surrounding area... Drop me a comment on this blog and let me know what you want to do. I'll email you and we'll set it up...

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