Thursday, December 1, 2005

in reaction to Amy Bee's confession

i don't pray a lot before i eat. i kinda hang my head as i start, though. you know what i mean? i hang my head and feel this feeling of

"o god, i'm so RICH. look at what i am eating! o god, please take my life and help me! i don't know how to serve you in this ocean of needs. i want to be found serving the least of these your brethren, and this plate is sooooo full... my belly is sooooo full... and there are so many of the least of these. and they are cold, hungry, thirsty, lonely, in prison, RIGHT NOW!"

that's pretty much what happens every single time i eat. i think it's much more christian than all this thankyouprayer-ing that we are accustomed to... a bit of mourning is a good turn...

"and oh, how i SIN against you, Father..."

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