Saturday, December 10, 2005

Instrument of Peace

"Make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred...
where there is injury...
where there is doubt...
where there is despair...
where there is darkness...
and where there is sadness...

Look! Look at WHERE! Yet do we gravitate, as Christians to such places? Such circumstances?

after writing that last post, i think of all of you out there who yearn to serve, and who would Love to just chuck it all and live an adventure with Jesus, sinking your life fully into Mercy and grace.

go for it. Jesus talked about selling all and giving to the poor and becoming His disciple. I'd like to see you do it.

go for it.

don't let the seeming harshness of what i write gouge you deeply. let it spur you on.

step out of the boat. you just might float. take a chance...

i know that the devil is always ready to give us another chance on down the line to get rich and die fat and happy, so don't worry, you'll be able to get plenty of stuff accumulated later, if you decide that living 100% is too much for you...

...but something tells me that you're the lean and hungry type.

go for it... find community among like minded radicals and get loving the poor and lowly. get close to the dirt and get farming the word into communities that don't know love, yet. be an instrument of peace

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