Thursday, November 17, 2005

Can't be doneI

yesterday somebody said that Christian communities like ours almost never take off in the Midwest. They were someone with pretty good exposure and credibility. They were saying that the "work ethic" interferes with people's development of the spiritual life: that people are so ingrained with an ethic of "live by working hard" that the Gift Life of God that is the Church's matrix is difficult for them to appropriate...

Well, I think that Christian communities almost never take off, period, no matter what ethic people have. And I don't care too much. I just know that we're here and we have no plans to leave. We have very few of any plans... We're just a family... And yeah, we want to accomplish simplification so we can have more time for giving and helping.

In fact, if I had to point out the one binding point of our community development, right now, it's that we're all so scattered and busy by means of our occupations and the pursuit of money to pay bills and debts... Yep. We have to Work.

Well, we're looking into a life together that's all Gift, so there is a lot to look forward to. We need to set things right, but haven't the power. We're in debt. We're selfish. We're broken. We're dirty.

Not a problem. Seriously. We should all just put it to prayer and wait for the mountains to move. No kidding. We can all join together and watch those mountains move. Together. In prayer and waiting. In patience and silence. With praise and thanksgiving. Watching and waiting...

Watching and waiting...


  1. so its the work ethic darn i missed that one. lew think you have the right attitude just be somewhere and love those adjacent to you some how some way. i was looking at the web site of the thing zach went to in indy and had the same thoughts its is as if we miss those in our midst because ther is just soo much crap in the world maybe its not about ending problems like poverty or oppression amybe if we just love those next door to us things will start to change and maybe the reason xian communities dont take off is that they are suppose to be isolated
    enclaves of people but a hodge podge of rebels just living out this crazy idea of love

  2. i meant to say that xian communities shouldt be enclaves sorry but a gathering loosely that is of like minded people in the midst of others not like minded
