Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Lately, there's been a good bit of morning prayer going on.
We get up and meet at about 6am every day, here, except on weekends...

On mondays and wednesdays, it's with folks down at North Pres. We had been meeting at the Sidewinder, but Kim over there changed to later hours and now we're at NP. It was neat meeting in a "neutral" Location where we were tucked into the back room, praying over Northside and cinci and our people... Now we're in a church prayer chapel. Nice, too. But I notice that the tone of our times has a different feel to it now... I'll ponder that and see what it is...

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we meet at 6am at the Chase House to pray. We started this off using the liturgy of Morning Prayer from the Book of common prayer, of the American Episcopal church (Anglican--Catholic Lite).
We were meeting in the Big Living Room, at first, but lately we're at the 12-man table because Brother Chris sleeps in the Big Living Room.
So there we are, precious souls at table with Jesus in the earlies, thanking and beseeching away... dark but for candle and lamp, praying from the Scriptures. We left off the daily lectionary, as the Spirit is moving so strongly in directing our Scripture reading by our journey together... The liturgy was in the way of the Word, a little.

On Fridays, we have Study, at the 12-Man Table. We're in the book of jeremiah. Third week, third chapter... The good and the bad are both ugly in Jeremiah...

I'll comment on our reading this morning on Lewminator...

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