Thursday, November 17, 2005

YWAM Visitors

I'll try to put in a picture of our guests from Youth With a Mission today, but I want to tell you about their visit while I still have the time to type.
It's about 6am.
It's wicked cold, like 20 degrees.
Last night, a team from the YWAM base in Chico CA arrived at our home. Seven of them, to be exact. They're part of a 50-week tour of the Church in America. They spend one week visiting the Church in each state of the union. This tour includes Alaska and Hawaii.

Presently, our good (like, bestest) friends, the Bansens, are at that very YWAM base in Chico! You can check out their adventures on their blog, listed in the LINKS to the right.

This team includes members from Australia, North Carolina, New York, Northern California and stuff. 4 ladies and 3 guys. Joseph, I-Ka, Yu-Hi, Jennifer, Shelley, Elfie, Ian... Thank you guys for sharing your lives with us, here.

JP grilled delicious burgers, outside, in the cold, for us to have for dinner.

We spent the night in conversation, with a little time in song. It was pretty wonderful, okay? Today, we'll meet at the house here, fix breakfast, pray and sing, talk and teach, Lunch, go out into the 'hood and pray, come home and serve a bit around the house, and sing and pray and have dinner, and sing and pray and talk and teach and go to bed. Tomorrow we'll make the morning meal, sing and pray, and they're gonna have to go... and we'll miss 'em.

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