Sunday, November 27, 2005


sitting on a chair that cost enough to pay his rent for a month.

Typing on a comuputer that cost enough to pay two more months...
wearing shoes that could cover groceries for two and a half weeks...
In a building whose cost could have eradicated poverties for years in this city...
among a people whose homes' extra rooms could relieve so many famies

the pace of life... too fast for us to be real. real help.
real family. real friends...

the power in being salt and light is found, not in the passive essence of these things, but in the context of their placement...
a christian who is well off, who goes to the big church for his whole life, yearning to experience the adventure of the missionaries and ministers who tell the stories...
a christian who has been baked in mediocrity
drugged with affluence
distracted by entertainment culture
a christian who knows, deep within, that there is more
but is still plugged into the matrix...

trying to wake them up
kills them
and they try to kill me.


  1. dude that was beautiful and so true. i guess being killed is better than dying a slow death of being just like everyone else

  2. Most are just killed by the "comfort zone". Jesus is outside that zone and I am steppin out. Hopefully to get slaughtered.

