Tuesday, February 14, 2006


you know what? i've become kind of a slug. but i see this because i'm "unbecoming" it.
my fervor and my intensity in prayer have been lame for years, now...
my study of the Word has been much less intense and faithful than it could have been...

i've been seeing this because of the times that Ryan, Smitty and i have had in the Bible... it's like "the old days". And i'm just grateful and amazed at it.

i'm seeing this because of the times that JP and Zach and I spend in prayer in the mornings. It's bringing me "back"--to life.

I'm sensing this because of the Tuesday night men's time when brothers laid hands on me and prayed for me and i was changed that week. Joy and patience and believing trust, where i'd been slipping in unbelief...

i see slug falling off me. we're all getting changed around, here...

Last night, there was no official meeting of our community and EVERYONE was here, singing, talking, praying, eating... it is wonderful what a little "family" does to church.

Thanks to God.
Thanks to all who love us so much... Keep praying for us!

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