Thursday, February 23, 2006

still a pastor

Well, i'm down to the wire... tomorrow morning we leave Ireland, the land of some of my forefathers... It has been a wonderful trip. These free travel deals with CIEE (Judy's company) that we get for placing and supervising students, are great!!! Ten days to reflect on what I'm involved in in Cincinnati. Ten days to contemplate the goodness and difficulty of "planet life" as one of God's freshly adopted kids... Ten days to practise Johnny Cash songs on my Martin Backpacker Guitar (a lifesaver to replace TV on this trip). Ten days to consider life and direction in family and ministry...

So... I'm still a pastor. An "unemployed", "unemployable" pastor. "Street Level". "Inner City". grubbykupp... not perfect... workworn... distinguished by use... distinguished by the consumption of wear through daily, common use; especially in manual labor and "dirty work".

I haven't decided to change my life direction and "go corporate", or anything; even though I'm utterly surrounded by folks who live by the rules and have sharp portfolios to show for their days...

I haven't any plans, either. The house deal fell through clearly upon our departure... The folks selling it were 10,000 dollars behind on the mortgage and it's being processed by the bank, now. It could be a year before it comes to market (a year of that roof leaking the ceilings off). That is a mercy to me, even though it puts to death an aspect of physical measurement. I am glad that my Father is training me through small setbacks. I am sure tha t there will be more training in the future through much greater setbacks--i need discipline...

well it's 620am and i have to help some people get on the bus before we start our last day here...



  1. hey brother (really I mean it... i have no blood relative brothers...just you and Jeff and maybe a couple others)...
    glad to join you on the journey. I'm glad to be in the conversation of your life. Glad to know you as a fellow guy that God is calling to pastor/shepherd/plant/lead His church... glad to be a friend, father, husband like yourself just trying to get closer to THE FATHER... glad God has allowed us not to be alone in the walk of life... glad to know you have had time to "step away" from your sitch and come back to it again... glad to know I'm not the only one who needs this yearly as well... glad to know that i'm not the only one who has regular "setbacks" and "disappointments" when "my plans" don't perfectly align with the Father's... glad to be your friend... miss you guys... we're praying for your safe travel...

  2. cant you find a real job? thanks for the words my friend

  3. Hi Lew,

    why is the page about you in German? I didn't even realize it, when I first read over it. Funny...seems like I will never get that German-English mix out of my brain :-) But I think, I don't want it to, anyway. Judy sent me the link to your blog. I didn't know about it yet, otherwise I would have visited you online a long time before!!
    By the way, I'm jealous :-) Looks like you have a lot of fun with Tim (I knew you would have a blast with him!). I wish I could be there too. Everytime I hear from you or look at one of the many pictures of you in my room I get homesick. Please write me sometimes soon, I miss you.

    Love you all, Katy
