Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Spanish Arch in Galway

The Spanish Arch, located on the banks of the river Corrib, was built in 1584. It was originally an extension of the famous city walls, designed to protect the quays. It is in fact a misnomer. There is no proven association with the Spanish in Galway and the building of the Arch. Historically it was known as The Blind Arch and it was located on the site more appropriately known as the Ceann na Bhalla (The Head of the Wall). The Arch also features a wooden sculpture, entitled Madonna of the Quay.

1 comment:

  1. hey lew...its katey.
    just wanted to tell you of 2 places to go while in galway.
    taafe's pub plays traditional irish music every night and is a lot of fun.
    couch potatoes is a cheap, tasty restaraunt. you get a baked potato with pretty much any food you would ever want inside it. its good.
    also...not sure if you were planning to go to the aran islands. if you get a chance to do that it is definitely worth it. but DONT go in the rain. hope you are having a great time!
