Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Big Shifts

no bones about it. These are some of the best days ever. hard days. good days. I'm a believer...
we aren't worried at all about the house... God.
changes in the wind are bringing us closer to Jesus... that simple... just trusting...

The past few months have been "grubbykupp-blog-silent". My apologies to the reading public. We have had some shifting, here in Northside. You not that, two posts down, I was giddy that the house that had heretofore been called "the guys' house", had renewed it's resolve to focus on Jesus, learn to love one another, and grow in Christian love, witness and mission to the world, starting with their own trashcan and kitchen sink, bleeding into their work, and into the neighborhood...

It was about a month till they decided that what they really wanted was to move away and live in a college-dorm building about ten minutes away. That revelation came on the heels of two weeks of pulling out major knots of slander, suspicion, gossip and secrecy. Lots of work through Late September and October, all to discover that the household that originally started the "guys' house" has moved on, into marriage--all three pioneering members...

So... we had to let it go.
we don't control people...
we don't vie for property rights.
we being the church community gathering regularly in the big room of our house...

the church has accepted being "voted off the island".
We await our amigos arrival.
we all get voted off the island... and we're waiting with open arms.

except for the hand that holds our pina colada.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just want to encourage the body that from my view, numerous phone conversations and a quick but real visit, you all handled a difficult situation really well.

    Lots of love.

    Yeah, lots of love.

    We are blessed to be on this journey with you all.

    We pray blessings over everyone there. May the love of Christ transform all of us.
