Saturday, November 4, 2006

Ted Haggard's Church examined by Militant Atheist

I watched this video a while back. Who would have thought that Ted would be exposed to such accusations. I was saddened at how the vid shows him dealing with the skepticism...
calling RD "arrogant" isn't necessarily incorrect, but not helpful in helping RD understand why "irrational faith" is "thriving" and "attacking science"...

I'd love to tell RD how the whole "irrational faith" thing, for me, is about what a total loser I am, constantly doing things that hurt my heart, hurt others, and hurt the world... how I have come to see that "sin" is real... and that I am a really sinful person... i found a friend in Jesus, who is my greatest hero. He scandalized religious professionals and high-powered government pawns with his attitude and actions toward the marginalized... The Jesus of Scripture is a person who loves sinners, heals the sick, and I see myself in the sinful and the sick... I see myself as in need of rescue, today... I want more than anything to love, and to do what is right and best to help my family, my friends, and my neighbors...

I actually know a lot about science and the Bible and whatnot... but I'm plainly captivated by the person of Jesus, who is a friend of sinners, rescuing the broken...

I am sad that Ted seems so defensive toward this man. I agree that a LOT--a LOT LOT LOT--of what is called "Christianity" is nothing but HYPE and men's control...
I invite Richard Dawson to my house, now. I like your questions. They will help me not to be full of crap.

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