Monday, June 16, 2008

A Good, Clear teaching on Hell...

you know, with all the "Fear of God"/"Fear of the LORD" stuff we've been trafficking in lately, i thought it may be helpful to post this teaching from brother John Piper. Check it out.

just click the title of this post...


  1. So yesterday I listened too about the 1st 5-10 minutes of this, turned it off and thought something to the affect of "know where he is going...yet another message to scare people into heaven with hell...yuk"

    I went back and listened to the whole thing today with as open a mind as I could muster up and am glad I did.

    He speaks in a language from a distant forgotten memory but the context was good.

    While I don't agree with some of his sub-points and I thought some of his conclusions were a bit rigid I think his couple of main points and especially his conclusion about the insufficiency of hell was really solid.

    Thanks for posting this Lew. I may actually listen to it again.

  2. Hey Bro, peace to yu and the chase house. I just wanted to follow up so you can grab more info on the creation/temple comparison. Check out a dude named Gordon Wenham, he has a commentary on genesis that I think would be helpful. Hpe you get to check it out. I can't vouch for him all around, haven't read him, but i dug around a bit and you can find alot in his commentary on genesis.
    I haven't gotten to listen to the piper talk yet, I've started a couple times but have been crazy busy.
    Summer training down here in North Carolina is good. Really good community and equipping! Keep us in prayer bro. You are in mine.
    It was so good to be in your house for study. I checked the amorite curse thing with an amazing and faithful brother and he confirmed that they are the canaanites, just an fyi, you were right on with that. Let me know how you are doing and if you got this and about the Wenham thing!
    Peace in Him,
