Monday, June 16, 2008

In Louisville

I'm in Louisville Ky today with Judy for a thing with her work. Got to "tag along" and enjoy a night away.
I was going to skate the big skatepark here (world class!) but it's raining. Honestly, I'm really pleased. Not relieved. I'm up to skate at a hat's drop, but I'm glad for a chance to catch up with you, dear readers.

We've hit the summer rhythm over here. Take Seth and Kadin to camp, Get Aaron and Marcelo involved in something, work on skatepark stuff, meet with people around the church and the gospel and Jesus and whatnot...

Recently, I've been batting around some interesting possibilities for myself as a man of God, husband, father, pastor, and worker (in that order).

One of the developments that is rich in opportunity is the loss of my status as "ordained". Our organization (The Body of Christ, Intl.) has shifted hands and we have opted to use this as a fresh beginning.
Presently, I am unable to sign marriage papers, issue tax receipts (some of you have a phone call coming, and I am holding a few checks), and... i think that's all. just can't do those things.

Do i need to? I talk to Jesus everyday! and He leads me into richer and richer ministry stuff everyday! every day! He was an uneducated Rabbi, without papers! They were freaked at how much he did in the power of the Spirit that they, with all their credentialing, couldn't touch...


why start a church when we're already being a church? Isn't there a denial of some sort embedded in that behavior?
isn't there a disowning of God's kingdom, there? hmm...

1 comment:

  1. While it is true that Christ was not a Pharisitical Rabbi as they would have been the highest educated with Curriculum Vitales out the ying yang. It is false to suggest that he was not 'ordained'. Jewish rabbis rock this thing called Semicha (סמיכה‎, "leaning [of the hands]"), which of course, Jesus had. In order to get it one Jewish student of Torah would follow a rabbi and adapt his yoke perfectly. Then when that day came, when the yoke was perfected, that student would get the ol' Semicha. It is just that...laying on of hands, with prayers. It is a ritualistic demonstration where two or more rabbis pass the torch to a brand new rabbi.

    This happened, if you recall in all four of the Gospel accounts. Where? At Christ's baptism. John the Baptist, one of the most influencial ,off-beat rabbi/prophets of his day, and the Father Himself 'layed hands' on Christ thus passing to him the most rockin' Semicha anyone had ever recieved. Authority from God the Father and God's prophet... it's not that Jesus was not ordained...He was just ordained in a way no-one could ever touch in all of Judaism...ordained by God and His prophet...not just two dudes wearing kippas and prayer shawls.
