Saturday, September 30, 2006

Some Fries (click here)


"The fact that the Scriptures are brim full of hustlers, murderers, cowards, adulterers, and mercenaries used to shock me. Now it is a source of great comfort."

Thursday, September 28, 2006

FYI: Roof and Boiler

the roof estimate is over 30 thousand... no kidding. it's huge, it's steep and the gutters are like 20 thousand--ancient german box gutters...

before you ask all the questions of "do you need..." and "have you considered", the answer is YES. The options are constantly being exhausted, and this is what it means to turn a giant old funeral home into our home and base of loving a neighborhood in this confused city... into a living, daily representation of the Church--not a pointed building, but a people who point skyward in their hope and daily generosity to each other and their neighbors...

story after story will explain why we didn't choose the money jobs, but found ourselves here, playing with children, loving addicts, and the missing (lost) sheep of Cincinnati...

the boiler (13 thousand dollars) has finally died, too... It's over. Total replacement of the decades old boiler is now necessary...

It's almost October. No heat. Roof leaking. And our trust is in Jesus, here. Please don't take this post and worry. But we've heard back from a lot of people who read this and pray. Please pray with us for the resolution of our earthly trials to show the Glory of God--and his wisdom--before all the heavenly beings who are looking...

Monday, September 25, 2006

What's a typical breakfast like?

some folks get up and feed their kids breakfast... you can hear Seth calling to me while his toast is cooking... and while I'm getting the kids' fed before school, I feed the "other Kid"... enjoy a little daily life. here at the Chase House...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bionicles half off at Kay-Bee

Got cheap Bionicles at Kay-Bee in the Mall today. Sat in food court blogging while Seth Climbed all over the little "Rides". I know he's not supposed to climb up on top of them, and other parents were like, "what the hey?" But everyone was smiling because Seth's cute, and they could see the scary guy with the Fidel hat and long beard and the apple laptop covered with Skateboarding stickers, and they all put up with us just fine... Maybe it's our small regiment of Bionicles arrayed on the Table... They're the good guys, but they look very mean.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Revolutionary Table/Roof update...

It's back. the Revolutionary Table.

In the wonderful "fray" of the "reformation" of the Guys' house--they are radically declaring their house (5 guys to one Bathroom) (which they rent) a brave experiment in the Pursuit of Christ... They are doing Radical Bible Study every day, now... and Radical breakfast... and Radical planning and scheming... and Radical schedule-changing and job-changing...

They're dedicating to the Life, Together. Exciting Stuff. Keep the Guys' House in prayer. The neighbors are gonna get more love...

...and the Table! AAAh! The Table is Back. Up late, crowded around the Table in the Chase House, are the Revolutionaries who are scheming ways to follow Jesus. Scheming to be followers! Love it!

It's going to be a cold winter, I guess. They all have a certain coldness to them. Last year hovered at 56-58F. The house is just too big to heat. This year, so far, the Boiler isn't even functional. After a quick repair this week, its still leaking through cracks in some "element" or soemthing... Word is it'll quit sometime...

The roof isn't leaking the same, since I stuck some gooey stuff over the holes--but I missed a few, so I'll be back up there... 40 feet of Roof, two valleys, all STEEP, draining on one 2.5 inch hole... it just plain overflows... all the professional rooofers have literally just shook their heads...

the ESTIMATE from a reliable roofer is 35,000 dollars to FIX it. Standard issue for a GIANT, Antique house...

Look forward to pics from the top of the ladder. I've been up there a million times, but have yet to bring the cam. up there...

good good good morning!

Wow! Here in cinci, the fall weather has fallen on us!
cooler, even Cold feeling, weather has crept up. Rising to our armpits, like flood waters. We're all "summered up" with our capillaries dishing our heat out too quickly to be comfortable in this beautiful coolness. Some of our people have come to hate the cold. They're glamourous and thin. They don't have the flab it takes to enjoy the cold...

Check out this morning down at the Sidewinder. I can't come here without making new friends, lately. Do any of you know the story of how we came to be here? It is God's gift that I am part of Jesus building His church, by being available to be friends with people in coffee shops... it's the place where I find the best apologies made... apologies for the crazy way that we have lived out the continuation of the story of the Scriptures... apologies in the "greek" sense-the reason for the Hope we have... Above all, this is a place where I hear from God. He speaks to me in the people who sit around me. I hear the whirlwind of the love of God for us all, as he is calling us to Jesus...

Yesterday, a neighbor got loved. She's moving out. She can't take it. Her life is out of control. He kids have life-sized problems...problems that have grown out of her problems... that have grown out of her parents' problems... We're moving her out. We'll take care of the truck, the driving, all that. She's getting loved.
She's an honest soul. ask her.

Yesterday, a roofer gave me an estimate. 35,000 dollars. I TOLD you it was a really big job. You don't get a missional community house without a big roof, you know?
You know where Jesus told us to lend to those who ask? That was back when if the end of the harvest came and you didn't have enough, you lost your land and were deported from your inheritance... That was issued under the legislation of Moses...
Well, whom is there in the whole American church of that I can ask such a thing of? We are too busy LIVING... too busy loving... to do it all ourselves. We aren't craftsmen. We aren't investors, or entrepreneurs...

Come and see.
Really, come and see. There's no way you can resist the love that pours out around here... and the more love there is, the more love there is...


...for the "ministry" blog, "grubbykupp". What's the diff? This blog is more of a personal spilling space for my life. That blog is to connect you with our "-ness"... a feel for what's going on in the incredible intentional community that we're part of... yes I said it: "intentional". we are.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Roof issue: steeper and steeper

Well, I've proven my manhood, ascending the 40'ladder, scaling the valleys of our 10/12 pitch roof, overlooking the 'hood from the heights. I've wandered the aisles of Home Depot, searching for the right tools... what a wasteland...

On Thursday night well into the wee hours, my neighbor and new buddy, Robbie, and I discussed the needs of the house.

Knowing what to do is a process. As I got into the gutters, I thought we needed a little patch and some trees trimmed. Then I discovered significant rusting and many holes in the cheap tin material ("terne")... more patching than I thought...

Then I look up after a while and see missing and loose shingles... rusted valleys, cracked endcaps... this whole roof needs help... It needs to be replaced...

Talking to robbie, we start to plan an October re-roofing--the whole thing. But now I have wisely reconsidered.

Do you understand pitch? 8-12 is a pretty stiff height. You're not touching a 10/12. Seriously. Our guy, JP, who climbs CLIFFS and mountains is freaked out to just stand in the gutter at the bottom of the roof, much less actually climb up the valley. I climb all over it, because I roofed for a few years in my younger youth... still can't haul my expanding girth up a cliff, though...

Sooo... While Robbie and I are jawing about how fun it's gonna be to reroof the whole thing, and the whole time we're talking about BOX gutters...

Box gutters. Most gutters are simple devices, attached to the home by hangers or large spiky nails. Box gutters are built into the house from scratch. They are incorporated into the actual rafters of the house. Wooden frame structures fully attached to the house, with a metal trough for the water to cascade through... All of it hand fabricated using a "brake" (1200 1400 dollars new)... Copper is 100+dollars-a-foot. Any other material is going to be a real mess. the other option is "terne"--a low quality tin product that will have to be properly painted (on that pitch with a can of paint and a brush?) every 2 years.

Why do I own such a home? I had told God (vowed) that i never would own a home again. This is my third one, and renting was so much better in terms of all this MONEY that upkeep takes.

But here we are. Why? Because of Mom's passing and the need for hospice space. b/c of the state of the church in our day. B/c of the new wineskins we're seeing emerging... b/c of the people who eat together at that table... That's why.

Sooo... I'm collecting estimates, with no possible way to pay up...

Sorry Robbie. As manly and handy as we are (not to mention good looking=), there's a lot of teaching and preaching that have to be done to keep a community on track. The roof would be torn off for a whole week while we try to make those gutters, wasting all kinds of metal, having to buy a 14-16 hundred dollar brake. We better leave this funny business to the pros.

but just in case, is there anyone out there who can reroof and fabricate box gutters out there? I'm not talking about send a youth group over here to help. I'm talking sending a craftsman over here to put in a major push... Is it out there?

Some of you are in pain right now. You love us and me and don't want us in this situation. Thank you. My own dad was never madder than when we would hurt ourselves. Those of you who love--please pray and help.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Flickr Updates

Hey all, I've expanded my "Flickr" account to accomodate a lot more. I'm putting more into it to provide you with a better view of life on the ground, here... Check it out...

Getting into the Roof

Yesterday Seth and I got to the Home Depot and picked up the things to work on the roof. How sad he was that he couldn't join me up there...
I anchored the Ladder to the roof, got out a grinding disc, and began to knock off the peeling paint and rust that have been hiding... HOLES!!! So many holes! The metal is paper thin, rusted and cracking...

I lay a temporary patch on some of it, but it was dinner time. I cut myself at the base of my thumb, also, with my utility knife... such a LITTLE hole, but i must have "hit something" because blood just came POURING out. Literally made a slippery spot up there. I had to rip the sleeve off my shirt and tie it up. The hole was a sixteenth of an inch. Incredible. must have been an artery or a vein. wild...

Sooo... today I'll climb up there again and patch some more. Anybody know where I could get some HELP? Preferably in the form of a roof expert who can replace Box Gutters, or repair them? I know, it's been a YEAR of asking, but I'm seriously asking. This is a big deal.

The roof'll need to be torn off and replaced, too. Looks like this fall or next spring.

For now, I'm patching, painting, and Praying. Please, all of you pray for us in this old house...

I would never own a house if I weren't involved in this whole "new generation of church" thing.. What's going on under this roof is worth all the black mold and peeling paper...
But seriously could you all pray up some help, even if it's the power to do it all myself.

I'm on it, but am not a craftsman. pray for help, protection, wisdom, and Love's guidance.

Yesterday: an example

Some who read this are looking for a view into the life of this community. I think a view of a typical day is a good thing for that...

Yesterday I engaged in a massively evangelistic conversation in the morning, after an hour of study and writing at the Sidewinder. That's our local coffeebrewery.

That was a 3-hour block, right there.. 825-1120...

Then off to get Seth from School.

Then home, plug seth into something like art or toys or even TV or computer games online (PBSKIDS, NOGGIN, or whatever)...

And two hours of teaching two of our folks about budgeting resources using paper calendars and paper budgets, in order to reduce stress and increase fruitfulness... Two hours+, there...

then Lunch, late.

Off to Home Depot for 2.5 hours, with Seth in tow. How does a 4 year old do Home depot for 2 hours? He was GREAT. Something about a house of tools that seemed to capture him... Doesn't it capture us all?

When we got back, Seth napped in the open van, while I got to work putting anchors under the shingles and tying the ladder to them (now I can RUN up and down it--Look mom, no hands).

Then dinner and dark.

Then a meeting with one of my close guys, over here... meeting is too formal a word. More of "a convergence of spiritual minds".

also, we need a huge, new fridge. please pray. I mean a HUGE one.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Season's Changing

Just like the cool air that's settling in on us (I'm lovin' this hot coffee I'm drinking)...

Had to stop bloggin, to have an hour of conversation with a total stranger who happens to be a close neighbor. He is a very deep, fairly recent Chrisitan, who is looking into the deep things of the Kingdom. He's got a copy of "The Cost of Discipleship", by Bonhoeffer, there...

Intense, seminal conversation. Huge. What's it worth to be at tables like these, daily? God is doing a new thing. It's springing up. Don't you see it? Amazing. I'm watching the parts coming together in a move of God in our Generation. A move back and forward. Parts in the Body are craving LIFE--Jesus Himself.

Casts off. are a couple quick pics from the hospital. Things were moving so fast there that I didn't have time to frame up or anything... What a rush. They used the famous "bone saw" to take off the casts--you know, the one taht doesn't cut the kid, but takes the cast right off.

man, i'll tellya, those casts were gettin ripe. pfwhew!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lew on the Roof

Well, today with help from Robbie, whose volvo's roof rack shows it, I got a 40' ladder and some other equipment, and stormed the tall side of the house. Up there I found a plug of pine cones at the drain.

In addition to forming a screen helmet on the gutter, I'll get a pole saw and go at the trees along that side. We're talking 50 or more feet tall, these beautiful, old pines. they're staying. but they're getting a haircut.

Please pray for safety as I try to get this all done. Pray for me and all who try helping at these heights.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Broken arms and Flag football

My son Aaron is incredible. He got two broken arms in Delaware, skateboarding a month ago at John Wallis' house, and this week he made three great catches and touchdowns in flag football at his school.

Rainy day, Leaking gutters

so far the roofers are kind of falling through.
So is the rain
into the house, that is.

Today we had a good rain inside and out. haha...

Our spirits are good. We trust the father to take care of us.
Yesterday a roofer just plain old couldn't find us. 1320 Chase. I was on another call and 15 minutes later returned his frustrated message. poor guy. hope he does call today.
two days earlier, another guy had problems climbing the steeply pitched roof, and his ladder couldn't reach the 40' to the ailing gutter.

Our hearts are light. We know that Father will care for us.
And I'm more excited than ever about mobilising prayer for this little band of jesus people. Please do pray, right now, that Father bless and send to us.
More of His spirit.
More Love...
more miracles...
and yeah, the gutter leak, boiler, and a lot of other stuff...

I am thankful for our leaking gutters and house problems if they bring the Body together. Just as I am thankful for them leading me into dependence on Him.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Jeremiah Blog Back up and Running

ATTENTION! The Jeremiah Blog is back on and you're all invited to post edifying comments and encouraging, stimulating observations there. Pleas do. This technology has given us a great opportunity to connect over scripture, even though some of us are far away.

indescribable sunday nights...

Sunday night...
Last Night...

One brother puts it like like this: "I look at my watch around 7pm on sundays and then when I look back, it's about 10pm..." We're just worshipping our heads off... Jesus is visiting us all with such gentle power.

There is such power and glory coming on us as we sing to Jesus on Sundays, together... We are experiencing "inner chamber" with God. More, Lord. 24/7 would be just fine... After the singing last night, we prayed over a dear brother--a seriously dear brother--who has just started leading a new house church with another dear brother...

there's sharing from the Spirit's voice--gently expressing what we're "getting" from the Lord, as we ask him for bread, not stones... fish not snakes... trusting that if we love him, obey him, honor him, that He will visit us with power from on High--all of this that we may glorify Jesus...

There was violence in the street last night, too... As many were praying, some of the young men (the oldest guy we have is like 35, so there aren't any but young) went to pray and call 911. Please pray for guns not to work, knives not to cut...

Pray that our neighbors would have DREAMS... that the Holy Spirit would move mightily and that they totally seek after Jesus--those to whom it is granted...

We finished the night off with an intimate time of looking deeply into what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church in our days... Bed around 2am. What a great life...

Just can't describe it...

Sunday night...
Last Night...

One brother puts it like like this: "I look at my watch around 7pm on sundays and then when I look back, it's about 10pm..." We're just worshipping our heads off... Jesus is visiting us all with such gentle power.

There is such power and glory coming on us as we sing to Jesus on Sundays, together... We are experiencing "inner chamber" with God. More, Lord. 24/7 would be just fine... After the singing last night, we prayed over a dear brother--a seriously dear brother--who has just started leading a new house church with another dear brother...

there's sharing from the Spirit's voice--gently expressing what we're "getting" from the Lord, as we ask him for bread, not stones... fish not snakes... trusting that if we love him, obey him, honor him, that He will visit us with power from on High--all of this that we may glorify Jesus...

There was violence in the street last night, too... As many were praying, some of the young men (the oldest guy we have is like 35, so there aren't any but young) went to pray and call 911. Please pray for guns not to work, knives not to cut...

Pray that our neighbors would have DREAMS... that the Holy Spirit would move mightily and that they totally seek after Jesus--those to whom it is granted...

We finished the night off with an intimate time of looking deeply into what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church in our days... Bed around 2am. What a great life...

When God Speaks

Hi, How are you today. Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for praying for us.

I have a question for some of you. How do you handle the reality of 1 Cor. 14's treatment of prophecy in your gatherings? Around us, we have a fairly rich matrix of dreams, impressions, Mental pictures, intuitions, etc... that are shared as folk press in to prayer and soak their hearts in God, and their heads in Scripture... Things are offered up in informal setting, around the big table, and tested thoroughly in an informal, relaxed, gentle, loving way, all week long. When we meet together, the sharing of "words" and such is easy, as there are never more than thirty of us or so, and the atmosphere is very intimate and there is usually a strong sense of God's presence...

In 1 Thess. 5:19-22, we're told not to "despise prophetic utterance..." I think that's exciting, because so many of us are really hearing the Lord, and the sharing of that can be so very edifying, encouraging and comforting to folk who are thrashing it out in the trenches of life... (1 Cor. 14:3 says that the purpose of such sharing is to edify, encourage, and equip.)

I'm curious how other communities handle such dynamics, and I think some readers will want to read how others are experiencing the Voice.

Isaiah 30:21

21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

This isn't an invitaion for a lot of things, and comments are moderated, but I would like to share encouragement in the Body here in Cinci. Could we hear how God moves around you?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

This week I've:
-Skateboarded with my son and a friend
-tried to climb a ladder to the roof
-failed to climb a ladder to the roof
-priced a huge "Lift" thingy
-acted like i know what I'm talking about
-seen Danielmatt and Xtine have a beautiful baby Boy

WELCOME TO THE PLANET, MALACHI JACOB SHRYOCK!!! We'll do all we can to make sure you leave in the right way, at the right time. This short visit will be full of adventure and fear will slide off you like water off a duck, as long as you fix your gaze on Jeezus.

-seen a bad car accident
-written poems
-and songs
-received words of strength, encouragement and comfort (1 Cor. 14:3)
-had dreams with interpretations...that were strengthening, encouraging, and comforting...
-watched my sons grow another big "notch"

I am struck by how, since the purpose of our speaking from the direction of the Holy Spirit is so focused on building up, encouraging, and comforting, and how Hebrews 3 says we should encourage one another as a measure against bitterness and sin in the body, how very much of this our lives should be full of as xians...

I remember when i first became a xian, I thought we'd be like that. Wheat and tares, though, maturing together until the harvest... What a jarring thought--that harvest. How sobering.

I am struck at how wonderful it is to live in a community of Love. Where the rule is Love. Where the law is summed up and we love. I think of J and P and how they've been with us for YEARS! And how they love Jesus, and consequently, us. I think of this gob of twentysomethings that Jesus has called to Himself, how we bring redemption and need to each other in a mutuality of help.

I am amazed at the humility that is born. How selfishness and ambition, jealousy and envy are laid down and how we serve to lift up the Lord and build up each other... Kingdom come! a pocket of Third Heaven here on earth, until the summation and the New.

Many thanks for the prayer and care!

Today I was at a local church, and as I asked for prayer about our gutters and boiler, I was interrupted. They already knew! Thanks to Brandon and Mike and Aaron and Wes and all of you who have let people know that we're in need.

The Brother who came over the other day, Greg, was held off by the pitch of the roof and morning dew. It turns out that this pitch is something callled a 10/12, which means it's hella steep. Greg, you're the man. I couldn't even climb your ladder. wow! that was high up.

There'll be another roof guy coming on Monday to look at what's up. I hope he has a 40' ladder because there's no way up with a 35' ladder. I better call him back.

Hey all you. Wednesday nights are open dinner and prayer at the house, for all who love the Lord. Shy don't you give me a call, or send an email, and join us for a meal and prayer for an evening. Kids bring chaos and are welcome, because their chaos heals ours. They can hang out after dinner with toys and a vid. Just let us know and we'll allot portions and let youknow if we need you to bring anything...


Friday, September 8, 2006

Touching base again

Hello dear readers. Thank you for checking in to see what's going on in the GrubbyKupp Community. This morning, a man with roofing skills will be arriving to look into our roof situation. the wallpaper's all falling off...there are cracks and wet spots on the wall...water comes in through three windows on two different walls...this has been going on for many months.

The Zero Roofing Co. was kind enough to send out a gent for a free estimate--Box gutter repair: $8,500.00.

This is why I'm grateful to have a brother in the Lord come over and stick down a patch, look around, and teach me how to save the money.

I'd like to thank all of you who have spoken with me over the last few weeks as I've tried to find help for the house... Steve, Robbie, Aaron, Melissa, Bobby, Mike McD... all of you. Thanks to all of you who've prayed and advised, cajoled and encouraged, challenged and taught. I'm not sure the quest for help (love) is over, but at this point, I'm taking a moment to say, "Thank You".

The Boiler repair hovers with a $12,000.00 repair estimate.
The wiring of the house continues to smoke, occasionally...

when we started this journey, we were sure that this would take HELP (love) to pull off. we're just some jesus people. Not a "non-profit". We're a family, the church--your brethren, frontline workers in the Gospel... we're not in the market for gov't grants or big monies. With shelter over our heads, we're able to make major changes in the world, through prayer and the gospel...

well, the garbage has to go out...

Thursday, September 7, 2006

August News

As usual, so much is happening around us that I've had trouble bringing it to the blogs... I think that the blogs are hard to post to lately mainly because I'm learning so much at such a fast rate that I'm not sure that anything I put down here will represent me well in an hour...

some things from this week:
Judy and I had a great time in SC at a conference, where we met Mike and Kim, Chat and Wendy, and John Paul and Kim, and Debbie, from Florida. We have such a great family relationship with these brothers and sisters down there. We love you guys...

The conference was about how to hear God and speak from that to help others know Jesus... it rocked.

the croc hunter died. I wept in the shower. that's where i was when i heard. aaron shouted it to me through the door. I know that's a scary mental image. how deeply sad. everyone please join me in praying for terri, bindi, bob, and the rest of the family.

we stayed up praying and praising God until 3am on sunday...

most importantly, Baby Malachi Jacob Shryock was born to Danielmatt and Christine, yesterday... We spent many hours in the hospital, and a lot of us are really tired, but most of all Christine. Pray for a swift recuperation. She and Kai will be coming home on Friday (tomorrow).

Thanks to all of you who pray for us over here... we had a lot of shooting around here lately, but as far as we know, nobody has been hit with any bullets... prayer!

we have this major roof leak, off the gutters on the exit side of the house. I cut back all the bushes from the foundation to inspect all around, and there's a lot of water hitting that stone, there. tuckpointing and whatnot cannot happen until that gutter's fixed. Please pray for wisdom and provision from our Father.

Our attempts to buy the house across the street failed, thanks be to God. We thank Him because we were only trying it out of a sense that the Holy Spirit was telling me to put it all on the line to try to house all these Jesus people... I never wanted to be the building superintendent for the people I'm teaching and urging to obedience to Christ.
the sellers were offended by us, and have disputed for the 500 dollars earnest money. that means we can't have it back without a court date. please pray for a resolution that honors Jesus. For wisdom, that is...

that's basically it, pray for wisdom, over here... thanks.