Friday, September 15, 2006

Yesterday: an example

Some who read this are looking for a view into the life of this community. I think a view of a typical day is a good thing for that...

Yesterday I engaged in a massively evangelistic conversation in the morning, after an hour of study and writing at the Sidewinder. That's our local coffeebrewery.

That was a 3-hour block, right there.. 825-1120...

Then off to get Seth from School.

Then home, plug seth into something like art or toys or even TV or computer games online (PBSKIDS, NOGGIN, or whatever)...

And two hours of teaching two of our folks about budgeting resources using paper calendars and paper budgets, in order to reduce stress and increase fruitfulness... Two hours+, there...

then Lunch, late.

Off to Home Depot for 2.5 hours, with Seth in tow. How does a 4 year old do Home depot for 2 hours? He was GREAT. Something about a house of tools that seemed to capture him... Doesn't it capture us all?

When we got back, Seth napped in the open van, while I got to work putting anchors under the shingles and tying the ladder to them (now I can RUN up and down it--Look mom, no hands).

Then dinner and dark.

Then a meeting with one of my close guys, over here... meeting is too formal a word. More of "a convergence of spiritual minds".

also, we need a huge, new fridge. please pray. I mean a HUGE one.


  1. Of course Seth loves Home Depot.. what XY would not love, as you eloquently stated, "a house of tools"? One should only worry if it did not caputre his attention. Now you just need to find one of the old hardware stores, where they still sell nails by the pound out of big wood barrels and the cigar-smoke smell from 1937 is still in the air.
    Be careful with the ladder, nothing slows down roof work as fast as a snapped spine.

  2. yeah. the whole snapped spine thing is a major consideration on this dealio...
    it's just plain old good to hear from you. How's that little one o yers?
    great hardware talk. love it.
