Monday, September 11, 2006

Just can't describe it...

Sunday night...
Last Night...

One brother puts it like like this: "I look at my watch around 7pm on sundays and then when I look back, it's about 10pm..." We're just worshipping our heads off... Jesus is visiting us all with such gentle power.

There is such power and glory coming on us as we sing to Jesus on Sundays, together... We are experiencing "inner chamber" with God. More, Lord. 24/7 would be just fine... After the singing last night, we prayed over a dear brother--a seriously dear brother--who has just started leading a new house church with another dear brother...

there's sharing from the Spirit's voice--gently expressing what we're "getting" from the Lord, as we ask him for bread, not stones... fish not snakes... trusting that if we love him, obey him, honor him, that He will visit us with power from on High--all of this that we may glorify Jesus...

There was violence in the street last night, too... As many were praying, some of the young men (the oldest guy we have is like 35, so there aren't any but young) went to pray and call 911. Please pray for guns not to work, knives not to cut...

Pray that our neighbors would have DREAMS... that the Holy Spirit would move mightily and that they totally seek after Jesus--those to whom it is granted...

We finished the night off with an intimate time of looking deeply into what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church in our days... Bed around 2am. What a great life...

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