Sunday, September 10, 2006

This week I've:
-Skateboarded with my son and a friend
-tried to climb a ladder to the roof
-failed to climb a ladder to the roof
-priced a huge "Lift" thingy
-acted like i know what I'm talking about
-seen Danielmatt and Xtine have a beautiful baby Boy

WELCOME TO THE PLANET, MALACHI JACOB SHRYOCK!!! We'll do all we can to make sure you leave in the right way, at the right time. This short visit will be full of adventure and fear will slide off you like water off a duck, as long as you fix your gaze on Jeezus.

-seen a bad car accident
-written poems
-and songs
-received words of strength, encouragement and comfort (1 Cor. 14:3)
-had dreams with interpretations...that were strengthening, encouraging, and comforting...
-watched my sons grow another big "notch"

I am struck by how, since the purpose of our speaking from the direction of the Holy Spirit is so focused on building up, encouraging, and comforting, and how Hebrews 3 says we should encourage one another as a measure against bitterness and sin in the body, how very much of this our lives should be full of as xians...

I remember when i first became a xian, I thought we'd be like that. Wheat and tares, though, maturing together until the harvest... What a jarring thought--that harvest. How sobering.

I am struck at how wonderful it is to live in a community of Love. Where the rule is Love. Where the law is summed up and we love. I think of J and P and how they've been with us for YEARS! And how they love Jesus, and consequently, us. I think of this gob of twentysomethings that Jesus has called to Himself, how we bring redemption and need to each other in a mutuality of help.

I am amazed at the humility that is born. How selfishness and ambition, jealousy and envy are laid down and how we serve to lift up the Lord and build up each other... Kingdom come! a pocket of Third Heaven here on earth, until the summation and the New.

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