Saturday, January 22, 2005

Folks are starting to visit!

This is wonderful. We've got friends from Northern Indiana, the Bansens, visiting today. Shawn and I will wire in some lighting and receptacles in the Kitchen and Bathroom on the first floor. The kids will all play (Hannah, and Eli with our Aaron and Seth)

The roads are fairly impassable, as it snowed last night, late, but we're ok. Happy to be together, in Jesus, today.

There are three young men, with JP in the fore, who are pioneering into a vision for the next "household of grace"...

They'll join together and carve out a mission to christ in themselves, each other, and our neighborhood... It's a little like when guys became monks, but much different for many reasons, too...

Less than 30hours work/wk.

availability for conversation with neighbors

inward journey in prayer and holiness

outward journey in being good samaritan neighbors...

stuff like this will get worked out...

...with fear and trembling...

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