Monday, January 24, 2005

Last Night's Meeting

Hey, It was super for me to just relax after dinner and enjoy listening to everyone just getting to know each other. It was also for me to share a kitchen corner and 1/2 bowl of potato soup with a dear, local person who came for help...

help... what is help? I think Help is a sign of love. Help is effective giving... Sometimes we give what's not needed. Sometimes we give what's not ours to give. But sometimes we get it right and HELP someone... Those are the times that I live for. I don't know if that was last night, though. Usually I never know if I did do that. I fly by instruments, ya know? Blind...

Dinner was potato soup.

People went to the meeting room so early and just sat around. Judy comes and gets me and I'm talking to JW in the kitchen, loving his visit so much (I love you, JW). I wish everyone would come to our meeting night, every time... That the potato soup had no bottom, that we ate everything in our house in one night...

It was cold in the house. Wicked cold, but not too bad, y'know?

Then I took up the guitar and we had some songs... Want more of that stuff? Come on prayer night, ready to minister to Jesus... the next one is this coming saturday...

Then we opened up and I read Psalm 114, 115 from the Daily Psalter readings of the Anglican Church...

At "the heaven of heavens is the LORD'S, abut he entrusted the earth to it's peoples" we had to kind of laugh. That accounts for the problems!

Then we looked into the end of Job. How this young buck, Elihu, called out Job and his three friends for what they were... How God condemned Job's friends' advice, vindicated Himself, and gave Job brand joy. How Job prayed for the three.

But we went away asking, "How could Job's friends have done better?" and "could I have even done as well as they"?

you know, one of their faults, for all their good intentions and pious efforts to show Job wrong and God right (and job was wrong. and god was right. just not like they thought) their fault was that they tried to help Job without understanding what was going on.

They thought it was your garden variety "this guy sinned and now God's smiting him".

But it was the fairly rare "this guy is so righteous that God is betting on him for sport with Satan".

Tough call from where we stand. How does that bear on how we look at each others faults, and trials.

Hey, we don't need to fix each other. We don't have to stop each other fromhaving disasters. And we'd better watch out what conclusions we jump to, eh?

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