Monday, January 22, 2007

7am Monday...

thanks, everyone, for checking out this blog so often. Thanks as well for the encouragement to keep posting.

Things are GREAT around the house. We're stripping walls and prepping to paint. I'm getting the place ready for an appraisal. God is blessing all our efforts.

Do you remember that house across the street? How we wanted to buy it and fill it with folk to love neighbors here? Well, another group of radical christians bought it and are going to rent it cheap to our people. All the mission with no hassle. We're helping them gut it and renovate it. Its exciting.

I'll leave more of a write-up on this on the "grubbykupp" blog. come to think of it, that may take me a while...

We've had David and Kadin staying here until the wedding. The wedding was two fridays ago. David and Sarah got back from Hawaii yesterday. Who are David, Sarah and Kadin? Obviously some people in our church who live in our house now, who got married a week ago, and David has a son named Kadin (8). It's great. what was a disappointment that I had to trust God through is proving to be an open door for the growth of this community.

There is a lot of joyful mayhem here, as I Mr. Mom these kids, adn as Judy works her job for CIEE...

I had to re-place my student, last week. She and her family had a difficult chemistry, and she asked them to let her go to another family. They heroed up and farmed up all the leads to get her re-placed. I just had to manage the paperwork and whatnot (which I still haven't finished--go figger).

I miss my mom and dad. they were here for Thanksgiving. Thanks for Coming, Mom and Dad.

To Tim and Peter and Gudrun in Germany--Hello and we love you!

To Giga and anyone from the Republic of Georgia--Thanks to you all for your warm heart toward americans and especially for sending Andrew to us. He is incredible.

More soon...

David is buying the house across the street, where the guys used to live, too.

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