Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ladders and stuff...

Today I went to a house and picked up a ton of unwanted tools.
...two old ladders and a bunch of rollers and painting stuff...
...brooms and some old gas cans...

all of it was stuff we can really use.

A few weeks ago, I picked up a couple of old circular saws and whatnot from another garage. All of this is from people moving.

Giving me your old tools enables us to get stuff done, here. Does anyone have a router? A wet saw? we have old moldings to repair, and tile to lay. I know some folks who can lend, but they're also contractors, and can't lend to US, because we're so SLOW.

You see, around here, we have to piece it in around jobs, and we don't know how to do it right, so we do it twice...

One of the biggest gifts is really your time and skill, though.

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