Monday, January 22, 2007

Citizens arrest

you know what? in December, a neighbor kid had an intruder in his house, so he ran to our house and we called the police. they searched with guns drawn and didn't find anyone. they told us to go on in. I went in with another guy from our community who has asked to remain nameless. we searched, ourselves, and when we got to the top floor and peeked in a crawlspace, there was a funny "lump" under the fiberglass insulation. I lifted up a corner with a small stick from a broken chair, and there lay a GROWN MAN.
No kidding. a MAN was under it. His first words? "I was only kidding around. I wasn't really going to hurt the kid."

One thing you learn around here is that the first thing people say in a situation like that is not the truth.

So we had to wait almost another 30 minutes for the police to come back. The guy stayed for a while, but then he wanted to leave, so we had to kind of restrain him. He asked me, "What's a preacher doin' arrestin' folks?"

Well, what am I doing?

In November I called in a drive-by and they got the guy off my description of make and model. At least 14 shots fired and all i had to hide behind was a hot cup of chai i had just made...

What is the cost of being a Christian? How do we decide how we live? What is making the decisions in our lives? Where is the wind blowing?

1 comment:

  1. You were/are doing the correct thing.
    Keep at it. Nothing in the Scriputre, when interpreted in it's totality, suggests that you should not call the appointed authorties to deal with molesters / murders / and others who show do the will of the god of the dead in this world.
    And in response to the question of "what's a preacher doin' arrestin' folks" I would only reply: "By the power of the Holy Ghost, only the will of God."
    Or, you could shoot the question back "what's a human doing hidding in the attic of some kid's house, swearing before any accusation that they "were not going to hurt the kid"."
    Oh well, Blessing as you love in the dark parts of the earth.
    But, aren't they all?
