Thursday, January 25, 2007

Prepping to Paint

Struggling to get TAPE on the corners and start the trim work today so that our peeps can paint this weekend. Cutting a piece of wood to cover the stained glass window, to prevent tragic mishaps, too... Working on a stairwell with a 22 foot ceiling makes it tricky to get tape on all the corners... There will be some i just can't get to... big deal. They'll be rolling with a pole on those areas, so I doubt that I'd be able to hand detail it anyway, without being able to reach it with a ladder...

No biggie... just want you to know what that's like...

Getting my mac back online, the last 2 days. There's been a lot of reloading my softwares: Quicken, Quicktime pro, mail, iCal, Music, ipods... I've gotten it all reloaded and am up and going... The new hard drive is twice as fast as the old one, and 20 gigs bigger.

For a 200 dollar salvage computer, I've wound up with a powerful machine... This has worked out pretty well.

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